
Need help Fast!!!!!!!!!?

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i just got a rally bad hair cut today

and school is in four days

i really need help

it looks like a cow licked my head or somthing its all messed up

what can i do?

or atleast how do u make hair grow long rweally fast in about 3to4 days?

thnx for evryone who answers




  1. well i am not exactly sure what the product is called but there are many brands and i'm sure you know what it is it's hair growth stuff that you can apply to your head and it will make your hair grow quickly.

    you could probley just pick it up at a drugstore or a walmart or somethin' like that

    hope i could help you


  2. hahaha awww I am sorry, that is the worst feeling when u have a bad hair cut, even girls can have that problem..  but unfortuantely you just got to let it grow back all on its own, theres nothing you can use truly to make your hair grow, so I say just wear a hat, and try to put gel in it and make it look as stylish as you can! : ) good luck and hope u have fun going back to school ~julie  

  3. shave it all off! itll grow i rather hav no hair then an awful hair cut and itll grow faster cus yooh just got it cut

  4. Dude, if they allow beanies at your school, wear one. That's what I did until my hair grew back.

    Otherwise, try sculpting your hair to look cool with hair gel.

    Besides, why did you get the "cow-licked-my-head" in the first place?

  5. just try to put gel and make it go up or if you dont like that try fixin it urself i dont really know anyways to make ur hair grow faster well there is one myth is to hold it up in a pony tail and that will let it grow faster but that doesnt help u im sry:(

    GoOd LuCk!!!!:D

  6. well you should post ur picture up ..

    b/c i can help u with wat u need help

    u can always email as well .

    but as people said gel , hair spray , moose.. whateverr

    design ur hair! try out styles ( :

    might workk

    good luckk! (:

  7. You hair won't grow a significant amount in 4 days. Taking biotin and/or massaging your scalp may help it to grow faster. Try a colored gel to distract from the horror.

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