
Need help Gaining Weight Any tips?

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Okay so I'm Young male and would like to put on some weight i don't care if its Healthy Way or Non-Healthy way i just want to put on a little weight. However i have been a skinny guy for all my life and i have a Fast Metabolism i find Gaining weight is hard. so i thought maybe i should try and eat one meal at McDonald's everyday do you think this would help if i kept this up for about a month or so? Any tips?




  1. Ice cream!!!!!!!!! and lots of grains

  2. Don't do that! It is very unhealthy and would just have negative side effects. You would end up looking fat, be sleepy all of the time, and crabby. Not to mention it could cause serious health problems. My suggestion is to work out. But your doctor may have a better suggestion. Also about the McDonalds thing watch Super Size Me. Its a movie.

  3. be careful, you don't wanna each mcdonalds every day and then end up ridiculously fat and not be able to get rid of that weight.  If you've been skinny, you should gain some pounds with muscle.  Fat isn't that attractive.  Muscle on the other hand is a whole other story.... ;)

  4. get a blood test! you could have a problem with your thyroid. If is not that, and you don't care if it is healthy weight, fast food may be one way. Have you tried protein shakes from a health food store? They may help you as well.

  5. You should mention your age too. Stay away from refined foods like chips and sugar, soda and all that junk. You will definately pile on the weight and you will have to work doubly hard to get it off when you are older.

    Work out with weights - it's much healthier and you'll look much better.

  6. eat a diet of high fat and low protein

  7. cookies!!!!! yay!!!!

  8. lucky b*****d ;-)

    dont eat breakfeast or lunch and eat alot at dinner and from 10-3 oclock at night  snackS!

    mcdonalds =good ,not everyday

  9. Yeah McD's will help some...but if you work out, pig out soon after. You'll find yourself adding muscle that way, and muscle weighs lots more than fat. Make sure to get plenty of sleep or you'll just burn it all off.

  10. eat lots of food!

    not McDonald's everyday though... you'll possibly have a heart attack or something.

    if you want double your portions

  11. Eat alot of carbs such as pasta's. Also eat alot of hi protein foods such as eggs, chicken. Buy a tub of whey at GNC and make alot of gainer shakes. hit the gym a couple time a week. workout with alot of weight.

  12. u should drink a protein shake.....then workout

  13. YES.





  14. eat alot every meal

    for example, me i eat about every 3 hours huge meals








  15. a high carb and high protein diet! lots of bread and rice. if ya wanna at least TRY to be healthy about it, go to a health or nutrition store, and buy a tub of powder to gain mass. weightlifters use it to bulk on muscle, but it should give ya what you need.

  16. Eat eat and eat :)

    But then again, some people cant put on much weight..

    Its better to eat healthy most of the time..Because eating unhealthy will cause more problems than just putting on weight, it can cause diabetes, heart disease etc..  

  17. try eating things with lots of protein. you dont want to just eat junk food because it can cause heat attacks. Ice cream however is an EXCELLENT way to gain weight healthilly.

  18. Quickest non-healthy way:  ICE CREAM!  I'm serious.

    Quickest healthy way:  Weight training.

  19. First off, gaining weight is very dangerous, but if you must gain weight i suggest using this guide

  20. OOooh, don't do that ! Don't worry when you're older it'll slow down!! lol.. just be happy how you are now but if you want weight, work on your muscular strength more than endurance meaning do less reps, heavier weights. This will increase muscle mass which weighs more than fat.

  21. Before you dump anything into your body. Pls think what will happen when u get older. I work as a wellness coach, pls drop me an sms or call me at 90601853. I'm sure I'm able to help you.

  22. well, 1st off i know ur problem. im fairly skinny and jerks call me anerexic. i HATE that. but i have fast motabolism like you.

    but eating a mcdonalds everyday will make you die.  

    unless u wanna die, then mcdonalds is fine.

    i suggest u sit here on computer all the time and eat junkfood and stuff all the live long day. its better than mcdonalsssss


    but believe me-dont try n gain weight. stay slim. its unhealthy... but if u really are that unsecure about yourself, then so be it.

  23. Yeahh I have the same problem : Skinny-ness..

    But I have a syndrome... 5'11 and like 100 pounds.

    Anyways. Try lifting weights to gain muscles because muscles weigh more than fat and they're "healthier" and makes your body look good :D

    I don't think you should eat at Mcdonald's once a day. 'cause if you didnt saw the movie Supersize me, the guy barely lived on Mcdonalds.

    Another Easy way is to eat before going to bed.

  24. * eat lots of carbs (pastas, potatoes, breads)

    * eat lots of peanut butter sandwiches - calorie dense food

    * eat lots of bannanas - calorie dense fruit

    * eat lots of nuts and avocados - calorie dense food

    * eat lots of meals like 8 a day

    * protein shakes

    * drink olive oil straight up. it is jam packed with calories and is a healthy oil, like 476 calories in a 2 ounce shot glass that you can consume in under a minute. it tastes nasty and may make you gag if you don't use water to wash it down. so this is how i do it, i take a sip of water immediately follow with a sip of oil and then real fast wash it down with a sip of water. i keep doing this several times until it empty. i use those disposable 3 ounce dixie brand cups for brushing teething, fill one with oil and the other with water. you'll need to refill the water one several times so be by the sink.

    * consume 500 more calories per day than what you need to maintain your current body weight. this will allow you to put on 1 pound a week. you don't want to put on more than 2 pounds per week for health reasons

    * keep track of your calories with (free) or (free trial). if you don't track your calories you will usually under eat and not gain the weight

    * lift weights, lift heavy weights for 5 reps. you need to do this because muscle weights more than fat

    * limit cardio exercise - you don't want to speed up an already fast metabolism

  25. OK, gaining wait is not the easiest thing in the world to do. But i would day eating extra fast food is so not the way to go really bad on the body. There are a number of things you can do...

    (Waight Gainer) this is great way to load up on the extra carbs and calories without hurting the body. stuff like that.

    and if your not in to that kinda of stuff bagels are also a great way to slow down your metabolism.

    Sticking to the complex carbs is the best for wait gain so like i said bagels, pastas, any kind of bread.

    you have to remember because most people dont know its not the fats in food that makes you fat its the carbs so high carbs = more waight and if your working out and trying to gain muscle for wait heres a few things to help raise your testosterone (Naturally)

  26. take my fat!!


    no really, eating fat isnt the key to gaining weight. good weight, i mean. eating mcdonalds and other junky food wont necessarily help you gain weight if you have a high metabolism. actually, it could cause other serious problems (such as heart problems and cholesterol etc) which could seriously harm your health. you could even have a heart attack!

    so overall, i'd suggest weight lifting (if possible). muscle weights more than fat. im sure you've heard that.

    ps. gaining the habit of eating bad food too often can stay with you throughout your life, even when you get a bit older and your metabolism is not as fast. slower metabolism + same bad eating habits = future weight gain/other problems

  27. Well I won't endorse any unhealthy eating habits so I will give you the healthy advice as I am sure you know what the unhealthy way is.

    In order to lose weight, one would create a calorie deficit (i.e. their calorie intake would be more than the caloric output i.e. in the form of exercise etc.). Being that this theory hold true, which is almost always does, to gain weight you would need to create a calorie surplus. You do this by ensuring that the amount of calories you put into your body is more than the amount you burn.

    Also when you talk about weight, you are not only talking about the numbers on the scale because at the end of the day you not only want to be satisfied with your size but your health. So even though you want to gain weight it would be good to go to the gym and do strength training so you don't look big and flabby when you do reach your ideal weight; at least you will be toned and s**y.

    Also, remember to eat your fruits and raw vegetables and drink lots of water.

    All I want to say is that you can be healthy and gain weight as long as you are creating a calorie surplus...

    Eating a whole lot of junk / fast food will make you gain weight but these things also have a lot of chemicals in them that make you addicted to them like MSG, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame etc. So you might form bad eating habits now and when you realize that you are getting bigger beyond your wildest dreams you might try to lose weight and at that time realize how hard it is to lose

    Also bad eating habits contribute to heart disease, stroke, diabetes when one gets older.

    So make smart choices, make healthy choices.

    Best of health.

  28. eatin mac donald & stuff is bad..

    thatss bad for your body bkus is grease & stuf..

    wat you should do is ;;

    eatt good healthy food.

    exersise/work out

    you wil still be skinny.. but you wil have a good body.

    i mean. all girls like a skinny guy with hot body.


    why you wana be chubbier or w.e? be happy

    for who you are. after that you wil be fat & stuf.

    & You will wana go backk 2 being skinny..

    dont waste your life like that,, stay skinny & work out.!


  29. The key ingredient to gaining muscle mass is to add lots of PROTEIN to your daily diet. You should have 1.0-1.5 grams of protein for each pound you weigh. Protein helps your body to build lean muscle after your workout. Speaking of workout, I would start with simple toning exercises (low weight/more reps) to get your muscles used to being worked. After about 2 weeks you can go to the strengthening exercises (high weight/low reps). This will break down your muscles fast and with all the protein in your diet, when they heal it will be solid lean muscle mass. Muscle weighs alot more than fat.

  30. well don't eat McD's every day because it will make you gain weight but it will also destroy a whole bunch of other prats of you body, peanuts have a lot of fat in them and so do protein shakes but before you pig out on that stuff see your doctor and make sure that it is alright for your health if you gain some weight

  31. Every night, before you go to bed eat a banana and some peanut butter.  It is nothing but pure protein, potassium, sodium, and a little fat, but not much fat.  It is also very good for you.  Then eat cheerios every morning!  you'll be in better shape before you know it, especially if you work out every other day!

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