Ok so here's my story. I was never a huge weed smoker, on weekends at parties whenever. I went on vacation to see relatives, and for about 2 weeks straight i smoked everyday cause i was bored and had nothing to do. Uncharasitic of me, but it's done now.
I went on vacation 2 days after i got back from that (i know right) to the Outer Banks with my friend and his family, didn't smoke for 2 weeks straight and i thought i was done. Easy as pie, just dropped weed like that.
Then, i got home and i was bored again, and smoked a large amount to myself (big joint) after not somking for 2 weeks. The problem is, i think i psyched myself out. When i bought it, it looked funny. I smelled it, it smelled funny. I smoked it, and i think i had a panic attack. My heart rate shot through 150 and i was just taking a shower, and even got up to 160. I went to the hospital, where they "told me it was probably laced". I don't know if they were lying, or if they thought it was laced because i know it wasn't laced, people smoked the same stuff i did and nothing happened to them. So, i'm assuming just a panic attack.
it's been about 12 days since that incident, (thought i was gonna die that night, i know) and since then i've been freaking out. I checked my heartrate the next day, it seemed unusually high. It's been floating from 70-100 since then. I'm 19 years old, used to be extremely athletic so my heart rate should be under 65, no? Anyway, i've become obssessive with checking my heart rate, thinking i might have a problem with my heart. Like, it's affecting my lifestyle and the people im with.
My first step is to see a doctor tomorrow or someone to tell me I'm ok. If they tell me i'm ok, but i keep worrying, then what? Do i need psych help? I can't keep going like this, it's driving me nuts. I'm not this kind of person, as long as i've known i've been an extremely logical person.
I think it's just me worrying and my anxiety making my heart rate go up, but i don't know. So, going to see a doctor. I think if he tells me i'm ok i'll stop worrying. I hope so, cause i don't wanna have hypchondria lol.
Anyway, a couple questions. What should a 19 year old males heart rate be, sitting down.
How long does it take for your heart to settle down after lets say, walking up and down the stairs.
Do i worry too much? THanks much for the help!