
Need help...I am lost in my own confused mind!!?

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Okay so I have known this guy for years. I had a crush on him when I was a little girl. Well then I started to like him more and more. But he is painfully shy, especially around me. Like he barely talks when I am around. Well for a couple of years I tried getting over him. So I started dating other guys but I broke up with all of them because I cant stop thinking about him. The only problem is I have no clue how he feels about me. What should I do? Tell him how I feel or start working again to forget about him. I doubt it is lust because he isnt exactly a hottie but he is very sweet even though shy. btw I am 18 if that matters




  1. I think you should tell him how you feel and that you always thought he wasn't interested in you so you did try to get over him but all other relationships haven't worked cause you simply can't stop thinking about him.  

  2. I would talk to him, let him know (in a subtle way) that you have an interest in him.  Don't be too forward, as guys don't really like that.  Just talk to's not really rocket science.

  3. For the love of God, just talk to the guy, tell him how you feel about him and see what sort of reaction you get and take it from there, but just stop dithering about.

  4. Try to talk to him...If he's really shy around u it could mean that he got feelings for you. To talk to shy ppl you gotta make em feel comfortable and start talking....I mean, if u cant get over him just tell him how you feel. Its not healthy for ur heart to keep some feelings just for urself you have to share it with the person u got feelings for.

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