
Need help Identifying controls and variables, here is a question.?

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Mangoman thinks that a special juice will increase the productivity of the workers. he creates two groups of 50 workers each and assigns each group the same task (in this case there are supposed to assemble toys). Group 1 is given the special juice to drink while they work. Group 2 is not given the special juice. After an hour, mangoman counts how many toys each group has assembled. Group 1 made 1,553 toys, Group 2 made 2,649 toys.

Whats the control group?

Whats the independant and dependant Variables?

What should mangomans conclusion be?

How could this experiment be improved?




  1. Group 2 is the control group

    Independent variable is the amount of special juice

    Dependent variable is the number of toys assembled

    Conclusion would be the impact of juice on the efficiency of assembling

  2. Group 2 is the control Group!!

  3. Control gourp is number  2

    independant variables =   they type of liquid drank

    DEpendant= The number of toys made.

    Conclusion:  working with out the speical juice work more efficently

    Improvement: assisgn them more  or different types of work to show if it can benifit them in any otherways  

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