
Need help Mature only please?

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Ok about 4 years ago I went to the GYNO and she told me I had warts. She did a pap and gave me a prescription. They never called

and confirmed that is what I had. Anyway I used the cream they gave me and they went away. At the time of my apt. she also told me that had a skin tag on my inner thigh. So the bumps have come back but not bad. I have tried using a regular wart remover and it helps a little but not all the way. Is there a chance that they are not warts? I do get small moles on my neck when I wear a necklace and where I have the bumps on my butt is exactly where my thong rubs. also the bumps that are there look just like the skin tag that is on my thigh. and there is no way that the tag onmy thigh is anything else it has been there for years long before I ever had s*x. If this is warts is there anything that WORKS to remove them besides the cream from the Dr. I do not have health insurance and there is no way I can afford it. When I got it filled before it was like $150.00. Any ideas?

9 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. As far as my knowledge,this is a question with various answers,it is really depending on the mind of yourself,providing a great resource here for reference though.

  2. You will need to get the correct medication.

    Second, you need to continue your annual pap because you are in a higher risk group for cervical cancer. The pap will find any problems early. Visit with your GYN at your earliest convenience.

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