
Need help: Music for Website, not sure how to go about dealing with the recording company. Documents, etc...?

by  |  earlier

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So I have an e-commerce website and I found the perfect track for it. I emailed the recording company/artist, and they seem willing to work with me. However, I'm not sure what comes next.

I know there are documents involved, but I really have no idea as to what they are and how to go about this. Do we need a contract?

I don't want exclusive rights to the song or anything, I just want it on my site and I don't want to have any legal problems with regard to it later on.

Can someone who has had experience with this help me out? Please... I would appreciate it very much.




  1. Sounds like PodSafe Music would be best suited to your needs.

    While many enjoy streaming Internet Audio and recording songs they like over the Internet, these songs cannot legally be used in a podcast or on a website.

    Podsafe music refers to music specifically for podcasters or webmasters. The music is licensed in such a way that podcasters can purchase a license to include the music in a podcast or on a website without incurring additional fees or expenses. In order to use traditional music that is heard on the radio in a podcast, podcasters may have to pay royalties for each time the song is played. Some music files licensed under public domain or creative commons are exempt from royalties and these songs are available for use in a podcast, but generally when searching for music to include in a podcast it is probably best to stick with music that is specifically designated as "podsafe".

    How and Where to Locate PodSafe Music -

  2. Hi, this is a long-drawn-out affair ) The best way is to use royalty free music. Check - thousands of music tracks available for instant licensing and download for a cheap.

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