
Need help! Need to lose weight.?

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Hello im very anxious and motivated to lose weight. I'm 18, I'm 5'6 and i weigh 200 pounds, wear size large shirts and size 14-16 pants =[. I want to lose weight for myself and my confidence, also my fiance loves me and says im beautiful the way i am, but it would really be nice to be comfortable dressing s**y for him, maybe a lap dance lol but when im heavy i just cant do that ! ireally want to lose weight, but i need help! If anyone can please give me advice on things i should do, please do help! Like how many calories a day?, how much excersize a day?, whens the best time to excersize eat?, what foods are good to eat when trying to lose weight? Are there any diet pills that will actually help me? How long will it take me to get down to about 120 pounds?




  1. i have seen some diet pills work

    but exserize alot

    and eat like 1000 calories a day and u shoud get fast results

  2. Hello. First of all i would like to say you've made a great choice to lose weight and opt for a healthier lifestyle overall!

              Something like calories per day is not something i would know, but i do know about a fantastic diet that really works. Don't freak out about the word diet its not anything really crazy like the Atkins diet. This diet is called the Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian K. Smith, perhaps you've seen it on VH1 on the celebrity fit club show. Now im not recommending it cuz celebrities use it, but because it truly works (personal use & good results). Basically it starts off with 9days of fruits and veggies (& some other stuff) which is the detox phase. You also have to exercise for atleast 20 mintues for a certain amount of days during this phase. You move on to two weeks including cold cuts and certain other foods, also your exercising time increases Its basically building up to include all your main foods, just in good portions. You could purchase the book online, or in most bookstores, i bought mine at B&N for a great price. If you don't want to spend money you could just go online for recipes and the diet outlines and google it. The book also has a calorie counter of how much calories each exercise burns (ie. swimming, sleeping, jogging, walking, etc.)

            Exercising is VERY important in weight loss. Brisk walking personally gives me and many people i know the best results.

           Diet pills are not something i am fond of nor do i believe in. I have heard of many scary stories including throwing up blood, etc. If anything, you can take metabolism boosters but i would definitely see a dr. before taking anything just to make sure its okay with your body type.

           The best time to eat heavy meals is for Lunch, but try to keep away from breads & sweets obviously since they do put on the most weight. Try eating lighter dinners & always eat snacks (healthy stuff ofcourse) so you dont over indulge at main course times. Eat slow and really chew the food (its not going anywhere off your plate!) so you really know when your full. Sometimes if you walk around you'll realize how full you really are. The best time to exercise is in the morning i would say. You get it out of the way and you feel amazing the whole day! Work out in something you love to wear cuz chances are if you like the way you look, youll love to work out. Listen to music or watch tv while working out it makes time go way faster!

       i wouldnt want to give a specific time frame for when you can lose 80 pounds but i would say if you follow the Fat Smash diet ( and really follow it no cheating!) you wont be disappointed in the results!

    good luck honey and remember- your fiance loves you no matter what!

  3. no pills. cardio 5 days a week/ 45 minutes. do slight muscle building. stay away from too many sweets BUT treat yourself every now and then, SMALL PORTIONS and don't eat after 7, no matter what. make it a rule! stay motivated, and on track. if you have a bad day, don't give up!!! talk to others about it so they know you are doing it and can help! NO SODA by the way and limit your alcohol drinks.!! (= oh, and eat a breakfast.

  4. dont starve yourself

    just exercise  

  5. start by cutting off some of the extra calories from drinks like juices,sodas,etc...start off with some light walking exercises and increase it overtime,might take a couple of months  

  6. eat healthy food avoid greasy food drink plenty of water and exercise or go running or jogging when you wake up early in the morning.

  7. heres the BIG Secret, Read carefully ...  Diet and Excersise ...

    No... seriously the secret is,

    1. make youre heart beat run as if youre about to die ... and keep it for 45 mins a day.

    2. sweat as if youre gona die from dehydration, drink lots of water ...

    1a. you need to keep youre heart rate up for a looong time 30-45 mins a day and that is all the work out youl ever need for the day. whatever exercises you use is not important. using hi tech timers to count calories and heart rate, staring at the clock all the time. worth less.

    2a. when youre body is at high temperature youre fat cells liquify, fatty oils, when you sweat some of the fatty oils drain away from the body. drink aloot of water for maximum effect. dont over do it coz there is only a limited amount of fatty oils the body will allow to drain ... you will know you ran out when youre sweat is super cold ... try again tomorow ,

    eat normally, with number of times a day normally, however permanently reduce all food by 50 percent, forever!!!

    cheat foods, spicy foods, chile, hot peppers increase metabolisim by 25 percent.

    citrus fruits - around 5 percent.

    coffe - 10 percent

    forget about loosing weight and just do this every day, in 6 months youl be surprised when youre jeans fall off by their own,  

  8. thats some drastic weightloss..200-120.. that'll have to be a gradual change.

    eat tuna, almonds, iced tea with lemon (no sugar)! my faves..

    dont eat after 8pm!!!!

    proteins= meat, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts, dairy products, and legumes.

    vitamin A= (vision & healthy skin) fruits, dark green and deep yellow vegetables (pumpkin and carrots and spinach)

    vitamin B= (energy) fish, beef, pork, chicken, whole wheat grains, green leafy vegetables, dried beans.

    vitamin C= (strengthens bones and muscles & infection-fighting capabilities) citrus fruits, strawberries, melons, sweet potatoes, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers

    vitamin D= (strong and healthy bones and teeth) fortified milk products, egg yolks, fish, and sunshine

    vitamin E= (forms red blood cells and muscles) vegetable oils, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, poultry, and seafood

    vitamin K= (essential for blood clotting) dark green vegetables, whole grains, potatoes, cabbage, and cheese

    BMI... (body mass index) helps people guage a healthy weight range for their age

    #1 multiply your weight in pounds by 703

    #2 multiply your height in inches by your height in inches (your height in inches squared)

    *divide answer to #1 by answer to #2

    Your height in inches is 66 inches

  9. exercises's important. jogging is the best way to loose weight and to burn fat. besides eat healthy. you are what you eat. don't eat to much fat,cholesterol like McD and KFC. try balance diet. cook at your home is the best. stop take soft drink and beer. lastly, drink more water.

  10. my neighbor did weight watchers, she was more of a heavy set lady. but her daughter is my friend, and she told me she lost 8 pounds in one week! and i could soo notice, its been a half a year i think now, and she looks terrific!!!!!!!  

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