
Need help WITH MAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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so i have never worn make i have a meduim colored face,hazel eyes and some frekcals im going into 8th but what should i wear?




  1. eyeliner eyeshadow mascara maybe some concealer depending on your skin but dont go over bord

  2. Just wear some black eyeliner you can get at a drug store. If you don't know how to apply it, you can Google ways or ask your mom to do it. I only wore eyeliner and mascara when I was in eighth grade. I wouldn't go overboard.


  3. Well I'm 14 and i wore this in 8th grade:

    -Black eyeliner (only on the top lid)

    -Black Mascara (only on the top lashes)

    -A neutral color eyeshadow like Sally Girl eyeshadow in Cinnamon or E.L.F's butternut quad.

    -Some translucent powder to stop the shine.

    -Nail Polish

    -Lip Balm  

    -Lip Gloss (sometimes)

    Check out my blog to see what are good products to buy or email me. You can find my email on my blog. Good luck!

  4. Try mineral makeup by covergirl and choose a shade darker than what looks like fits their colors tend to come out lighter.

    try a good lengthening mascara and pratice using an eyelash curler.

    then get a brown eyeliner and do your lower eyeliner.

    get a nice lip gloss and your on your way.

    try asking some of your friends or siblings and of course even your mom for help:]

  5. hey. i also have hazel eyes. what i do is just put eyeliner on the bottom of my eye and then mascara on the top eyelashes. if you want you could do eyeliner on the top too. but if you want your eyes too look more green, use pink color eye shadows. if you want it to look more brown, use green color eye shadows. also a little cover up never hurt anyone i use it but i use organic kinds. which is the best i think. (:

  6. Just some basics is all you really need. Get some mascara, preferably black or brown. Some eyeliner, to match your mascara. You can also get some foundation to cover any blemishes and maybe some blush. That will all look natural and cute :)

    You can also use some eyeshadow, like blue, purple or green.  

  7. eyeliner , lipgloss , mascara . ( really light makeup )

  8. well since your only going to be an 8th grader dont over do it

    get a meduim powder compact and lightly put that on just to lighten your freckles....maybe green or dark brown eyeshadow would do

    then put on 1 coat of mascara and see how you look...if you want  a little more put on pencil eyeliner at the bottom only

    hope i helped =]]

  9. just try some eyeliner mascara and lip gloss :)

    simple but enough if you have never wore make up before :D

  10. your fav color.

  11. dont start wearing foundation until you have to, once you start you cant stop. but just wear some eyeliner, mascara and some blush.  


    do it in that order!

    if your feeling bold, put some eyeliner in their too.

    if you want your lips to be more noticable, put some lip liner on, make sure its not lighter than ur skin tone!

    good luck!im going into 8th grade too:)

  13. kay here's what i'd do in your position.

    foundation (if you have ANY blemishes)

    pink eyeshadow


    eyeliner on the bottom

    and clear lip gloss

    hope i helped :)

  14. it's really hard to answer that question without a picture. But I will try!

    When you just start wearing make-up, you don't want to start full on.

    Take it step by step. Start simple.

    get a brown eye liner, line the bottom of your eye on the line thing above your bottom lashes, then do the same on the top!

    ((Don't go over board))

    Always get a nice mascara... like a black cover girl, something that will make your hazel eyes POP! Be sure to have someone help you so you can avoid cluming, or over doing it.

    Eye shadow isn't really a must have... its just mainly the liner and mascara that make a difference, but if you want shadow, I recomend a light brown of some type. It will make your skin color look flauless!

    later on in life... you can try a black liner, in thin lines, and some more advanced mascara, even lip gloss is always a good thing.

    Some may say that you should use foundation. But you need to know the right type... and the dangers that come with it.

       Always get a mineral foundation, for a smoothe natural look. But the thing is.. foundations block your poors and fill them with dirt, causing major break-outs! So if you do use foundation, wash your face before you put it on in the morning... and to take it off at night!

    hope i helped

  15. Your best bet is to be naturally beautiful! Use concealer or foundation only if you want to conceal acne, otherwise the more natural the better! Stick to a tinted lip gloss, and one coat of mascara.  If you need an extra punch try a light bronzer on your cheek bones.  But less is more, especially at your age.  

    Good Luck!

  16. buy some black liquid eyeliner.. I have found that liqiud last far more longer than pencil, and it wont smudge. wear it on the top and bottom but make sure its not too thiick on top. wear mascara, and cover up. find a pretty shimmer creamy eyeshadow. you'll look so much older, TRY IT!

  17. well since your still young you only need eyeliner & lipgloss..

    its not too much, and its nothing complicated when you get older and go into highschool you can add some mascara, blush etc..

    but for now thats all you need!  

  18. Honey, you don't need much because your still young.  What you can do is try some clear color mascara, light colored lip gloss such as a baby pink, and if you want to enhance your hazel eyes without going overboard, you can try black or off black eyeliner.  Don't apply it too heavily because you don't want to have a smokey eye without trying to achieve it.  Plus, your too young for a smokey eye, it's very dramatic.  You want to keep your youthfulness.

  19. some translucent powder, lots of black mascara, and lipgloss.

  20. Mascara

    Clear Lip Gloss

    Bronze eyeshadow

    And eyeliner on top line of eye only

    Avoid really red or pink lip gloss. It'll throw off your medium colored complex!

  21. mascara. lip gloss. eye shadow.

  22. "For hazel eyes choose shadow colors that are the same as the color flecks that you wish to highlight (green, gold, brown, etc)

    Deep green and pale yellows pick up the varying flecks in hazel eyes. Bring out your hazel eyes with expertly coordinated shadows, soft pencil liner and lengthening mascara. hazel shades enhance your eye color-pinks and black make it pop for stunning, intesified hazel!

    Some recommended colors...



    lemon (soft yellow)


    golden olive

    sultry nudes

    pastel aquas

    greens (creamy greens, emeralds etc)"

    For my own notes, accents like gold, green and brown liners look good. Violets, fuchsia and silverish plums, makes them pop.

  23. i'd go with black mascara, bronzer, and lipgloss. if you want eyeshadow stick with a light gold color, it's the latest trend.

  24. If you do decide to use it, start out really basic.  Your best bet is going to a make-up counter at a department store (perhaps with a parent, they can get pricey, but are good quality), and ask about some basic make-up for someone your age.  They are experts and will know exactly what you should wear.  If not, I'd say just to go with foundation, maybe some concealer, lip gloss, and perhaps a little eyeliner.  

  25. um....wth?

    be more specific with ur question

  26. You want to look natural with makeup, thats the best style. And also for it to be simple and quick to apply

    go for:

    - Light pink lipgloss

    - Concealer (to cover up my eyebags & other blemishes)

    - Brown eyeliner pencil

    - Blusher (ont go over the top)

    - Mascara (clump free ones)

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