
Need help!! What do you think of this situation?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 daughters who are 20, 19 and 17. I split from their dad 8 years ago because of his drug use. My oldest daughter lives with me, and the 2 youngest lives with his dad. Because my ex deals drugs and makes no (taxable) money, he took me to court (and won) for the child support for my youngest. I am gladly paying, anything for my babies. Then my youngest daughter calls me today saying that she is having no fresh fruits/vegs in her house, and her dad doesn't care if she's there or not, and she's having a bad time at the house in general. I offered for her to come live with me, but she is afraid that her dad will be upset because 'he wont get any child support." I am more than willing to continue paying child support to him if she is happy with me, but at the same time i'm afraid he will think i'm rich and take me to court for more. What do you think?? I feel so stuck :(




  1. Both of the previous answers are very valid and bring forth pertinent questions that need to be answered to make an informed response to your dilemma!....good luck but most of all get your daughters out of their dads and him are both sending the wrong message to them by allowing them to live in this unsavory envoirment!

  2. How did your drug dealing/using ex get custody of your youngest children 8 years ago? I need more info because I just don't understand how you could have let him have them in the first place. And too bad if he gets upset. Your daughter's best interest are more important.

  3. need to do a call to child protective services or the equiv where they are and just ask them to look in and mention the convo with your daughter.. if u send more $$ all is going to X for more drugs.. send no Xtra $$.. let the law handle it, or your daughter(s) wise up and move back to you.

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