
Need help about college education to be a geneticists and being away in Navy?

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I was thinking on going back to the navy and joining because last year I left before bootcamp. But i think it was a mistake. And the hole year I didnt really do anything. And I am going to go back. But at the same would like to study to become a geneticists. I never really had any good ideas of what I wanted to be when I grow but I always liked learning about health biology and those types of of science. And dietics doesn't pay good. I saw on discovery science channel a documentary called super humans with people and special talents/ abilities. a women can see and taste music sounds and a guy can regulate his body temp in extreme cold. And it was all pretty interesting And was thinking about it but what kind of websites have college courses for becoming a geneticists? Also I used to be decent in math not good but now I pretty much forgot my math, just know basic math. its the only thing I worry about in academics really. Math is the hardest for me to learn and I am good at writing and reading even though I never read books.I know I made mistakes but I really don't feel like spell checking. I learn math pretty well and fast but my only problem is I forgot how to do math formulas after a while if I don't keep practicing them.

However bottom line question is:

what online site offers college courses for being geneticists so I can study while away. I heard many colleges don't offer that so it was kind of worrying. Help would be appreciated, thanx.




  1. You are going to have to transfer to four year no matter what if you want to become a geneticist. You'll need your Bachelor's and then probably a Master's or PhD (refer to source). So you could get your AA from an online site, but you'll need to transfer to a university or college. You are still in the Navy right? Go to the JEC on base and make an appointment with a counselor. They can direct you. That's what I did : )

  2. Actually, a geneticist is usually an MD. However, jobs as lab techs are available to those with a BS in biology or a related area. Entering this field requires an even more serious commitment than the Navy. You wouldn't be able to do it online.

    Good luck. Here's a link to a university site with some info.

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