
Need help about husband?!

by Guest61755  |  earlier

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Me and my husband have been together for almost 3 yrs, he doesn't want to have s*x with me anymore unless he wants to.He doesnt EVER want to go down on me but he always wants me to do it to him. I do still do it to him, bit it really hurts my feelings. I don't know what to do.He always says that he can only have s*x with me unless he is in the mood, I get on him and try to have s*x with hi and he tells me that it turns him off even more because it looks like I am trying to hard. I'm really sad over it, I cant talk to him because he says ALWAYS that he can only do it when he is in the mood. What do I do?!




  1. You should tell him that you'd really like to work on your s*x relationship.  Be really up front about how you feel and tell him what you need.  Ask what he needs from you too.  You can also just be creative and playful - get some whip cream and (corny ya) but put it places you want him to kiss you or whatever...  or carmel or whatever he likes.  Don't tell him, just do it sometime.  If nothing else, next time he tries (when he wants it) don't give in to him right away.  Instead, tell him that until he is ready to talk about it seriously, you can't get turned on (even if you really, really are!) Its NOT a one way street as far as getting what he wants and you not getting anything.  NOT cool. Having issues with things like this can lead to bigger issues later so be sure to talk about it with him...  I hope things work out :)

  2. Some guys have all the luck.  Don't cheat.  Get counseling and get a toy with batteries.  Good luck.

  3. Next time he wants it tell him to get off becasue he looks pathetic and desperate. Roll over and see how he reacts. He is a jerk.

  4. Tell him that you are dissatisfied and that since you can't come to a resolution you need to go to couples counseling.  Tell him that it's getting really unbearable for you and he needs to at least give you that.  If he doesn't go (and most men don't want to go) you have to decide if you are happier with the way things are or without him.

    Good luck.

  5. Sorry but I think you're husband is either not attracted to you any more or no longer in love with you. What he is doing and saying to you is hurtful and cruel. Would a person in love say those things? Would you say them to him? He's in the mood just not for you. Try not doing anything with him and see how long it takes. I can just about guarantee you he will be masturbating. If you are giving him head and he is not doing the same for you.. girl.. you're out of your mind. He is using you for his own satisfaction and he could care less how you feel. Face up to it!  

  6. dont do anything for him or to him then he'll know something is up

  7. Try something different.  A lot of couples get tired of the same old thing after a little while.  As far as the oral goes,  I found that being clean shaven improves the scent, and men seem to love oral when there isn't hair in the way.  I also suggest x*x movies.  You might think that is disgusting, but men really get turned on watching them with their woman.  Especially if you are willing to try some of the things you see in the movie.  You can try talking to him, but usually that just causes arguments.  Good luck.

  8. ask him if he loves you. open up, tell him the truth about your feelings.  

  9. Sit down, and discuss this with him. If he won't listen, have an affair.

  10. i totally agree with the girl who basically said give him a taste of his own medicine!

    dont do anything to him unless he does it back

    make sure you get yours first too bc if you get him first he could just say "now im too tired"

    he is being a complete jerk!

    or maybe he is having an affair himself so he feels guilty when hes with you

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