
Need help analyzing poem!?

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I need help analyzing a poem for my course... I need to figure out the main theme and write a 2 page paper. I cant seem to find a good theme to use to poke apart the poem with... any help would be very much appreciated!

My First Poem For You

I like to touch your tattoos in complete

Darkness, when I can’t see them. I’m sure of

Where they are, know by heart the neat

Lines of lightning pulsing just above

Your nipple, can find, as if by instinct, the blue

Swirls of water on your shoulder where a serpent

Twists, facing a dragon. When I pull you

To me, taking you until we’re spent

And quiet on the sheets, I love to kiss

The pictures on your skin. They’ll last until

You’re seared to ashes; whatever persists

or turns to pain between us, they will still

be there. Such permanence is terrifying.

So I touch them in the dark, but touch them, trying

By: Kim Addonizio




  1. I think the main theme to this poem is saying how some things never change. The tattoos are assurance/comfort, something that you can look at and know will be there even when things around you change..

    but who knows thats what i got by reading  this

  2. I'd go with a theme of how easily love is lost. The author seems very much afraid of how fragile the feelings are between them and their lover, in comparison with his tatoos.

  3. Try love, relationships, or tattoos. :-) Good luck, sorry I wasn't much help!

  4. What I get from this very erotic type of poem is the girl is comparing the way she feels! (knowing she loves the man )but knows that in the end the tattoos will always be there, even if love is not!

    Really like this unusual poem, I hope I helped!  Cheers !!

  5. its beautiful 1 of the best poems i ever read

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