
Need help answering World History Essay Question. It is listed below. Thanks for any help!?

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The two world wars of the 20th century had a dramatic effect on regions beyond Europe itself. In what ways did each war reshape the world politically, economically, and ideologically?




  1. Basics:

    WWI continued the pattern of world colonialism that had existed beforehand, except the balance of power was shifted, with some colonies taken from Germany and given to other European nations.  It also created many new East European nations, such as Poland, Ukraine, Yugoslavia (now several countries, including Croatia, Serbia), and set up the League of Nations.

    WWII had much greater effects.  The colonial empires basically fell apart - if not right away, then a few years later due to the impact of the war.  The Eastern European countries became satellites of the USSR.  Germany was built up.  Through the Marshall Plan, the US helped Western Europe industry grow, greatly.  Japan became a constitutional monarchy, and major economic power.

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