
Need help buying my first road bike!!?

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i have been doing research and it seems like all road bikes that are bought at stores are horrible. and the only good bikes are custom bikes is this true?! i really dont want to go out and by each part by itself cause im a lazy teenager who just wants some speed and transportation!!! im very tempted to just go to gi joes and by $220 schwinn varsity road bike....

also ive been given lots of advice to by a used bike, uuuh where?!

my price range is $200-$250




  1. in that price range you wont get much.

    no, you dont need a custom bike, you just need a decent bike.  you need to get into an actual bike shop, not some discount store.  they can help get you on one that fits right, and that is more important than anything else.  at least go and have them set you on a frame, so you know what size to look for.  then you can maybe look at an old used bike to save money, but you can't do that until you know what size frame you need.

    you may also go to and check out the bike fit information there.  it gives you a pretty good formula for sizing a bike.  then you can use ebay or roadbike review and look through the ads.  you might find an older bike in that price range that would still be decent.

  2. At  a price range of $250 a custom bike is not a concern.

    I ride a specialized off the showroom floor and it is fine. i don't know anyone who would spend the money on customer unless they have sponsors paying for it.

    To get a road bike spend as much as possible. I have looked for friends in the past and the cheapest bike worth riding IMO is sold by performance cycle. I found one on sale for $439 all aluminum and shimano 105s.

    If you just cant spend more i know a guy that rides a wal-mart road bike. yes its heavier and not as good but he rides everyweekend at least 40 miles and he is about 275lbs. So it is tough and get the job done. he runs at 13-14mph too.

    To start this would be a good choice but if you get into road biking you will want to upgrade in a year.

    here are some other options -

  3. I would consider the entry level Giant OCR, retails are $650. Or take a look at Forge Bicycles, they have a road bike called the CTS 1000, that is a fantastic buy and within your budget. Forge is well recognized for offering quality affordable bicycles.

    Here's the link:

  4. I agree with phoster, get into your local bike shop and see what they have. Many shops that take used bikes will be willing to put you on a list and contact you when one comes in because they understand that not everyone can or is willing to pay new bike prices. If nothing else, getting into the shop will get you a jump start on bike education and you can use that knowledge to look elsewhere for a used bike to get you started. Craigslist, ebay, and any local or state cyclists websites (I use are great places to look for used gear.

  5. "Which is a better bike, a Trek or a Specialized?

    Or Cannondale or Orbea or Scott or Schwinn or Cervelo. We're asked "Which brand is better?" almost daily. While each brand has its diehard fans, we can't answer the question. It's not because of any political reason, but because it's not the right question to ask--you're buying a bicycle, not a brand. .."

    Bike Buying Tips: Buyer Be Wise;...Here we answer 10 of the most common queries to help you find the right bike.

    By Bicycling Staff,6610,...

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  6. You mention department store bikes or custom builds. However your research is extremely flawed. There are 1000's of bikes available from about $500 to about $8000 - non custom.

    While a road bike in your price range isn't going to be very good, there are so many available in the $500 to $1000 range that are very good for an entry level bike.

    If your not willing to spend more, I understand. But note you have more choices than you could ever research in a stock bike. Simply walk into a bike shop or look at any manufacturer's site like,,, and 100's more. Check out EBay to see many nice bikes both new and used.

  7. I like the 70s, 80s road bikes. You can get them used in your price range. They beat anything new of the same price range, particularly if you intent to shop at walmart or any superstore. They are c**p.

    Don't forget that there are a lot of used bikes out there...

    the other advantage of buying a non-expensive bike is that you are much less paranoid about it getting stolen.

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