
Need help choosing a dance class.?

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Hey. Im 13 years old and I really want to take contemporary classes but I can only take one class this year, and you have to take a jazz and ballet class to take the contemporary one, and so having no dance experience, should I take the Jazz classes or Ballet classes?




  1. Definitely ballet. Ballet is the basis for mast types of dance. It will really improve your technique and help you get started dancing.

    Right now I'm taking jazz modern and ballet classes. Ballet is a great basis for them all.

    Have fun!


  2. All of those answers are great and totally take ballet it will help you in everything even contemporary and who knows you may turn out to love ballet!!!!!! Good Luck Choosing!!!!

  3. if you want to take jazz or contemporary classes in the future you will want to take ballet because ballet helps with every type of dance. It increases your flexibility for jazz and for contemporary it helps you master those long fluid movements and increases your strength to prolong them. Good luck

  4. I would say definitely take the ballet class. It may seem a little bit boring or hard at the beginning, but you have to remember that ballet is the core of all dance. If you can do ballet, it is WAY easier to learn other kinds of dance. For example, I have been taking ballet for six or seven years now, and I decided to join tap and jazz for the first time this year. Because I already had the technique to build on, I was able to excel in both.  A few months into the year, my jazz  teacher asked me to join her dance company for teenagers who plan on having a future in dance. She was surprised to hear it was my first year. Also, I overheard my tap teacher saying to the director of my dance academy that I was the best in the class. She too was amazed that it was my first year in tap.

    That just shows the power of ballet. Not just does it teach you the basics of most dance styles, it teaches you discipline and control.

    Hope I helped!

  5. Hi there,

    I would definitely take ballet.  When I was fifteen, the only classes I'd ever taken were ballet.  Then my teacher suggested I try a different form.  I took up a jazz class to see how it was.  I found that I was way above everyone in the beginner class, and even in the advanced.  Ballet is the basis for everything, and there are so many benefits you can reap from taking ballet: posture, poise, stamina, flexibility, a toned body, and so much more.

    Also, by taking jazz as your basis, it will be difficult to transition to ballet should you choose to do so.  If you quit jazz to take ballet, it will be hard because it is difficult to adapt to such a different style.  When you take ballet, you already have a dancer's discipline, know every term, and be able to simply loosen up rather than stiffen up.

    Hope this helped. Keep dancing!♥

  6. Ballet is the core class to everything. It will get you stretched and strengthened and covers a lot more than jazz. Ballet will help you with a lot of different dance techniques. (Lyrical, for one)

  7. BALLET!

    defff is helps you with every kinda of dance

    helps with your turnout balnce turns leaps splits

    its amazing

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