
Need help coping with brother in college. Please read.?

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My brother just went off to college this past friday, and last night, I cried so much realizing that I'd NEVER live with him again. We used to be best friends too, and when my family and I moved him in, he wanted us gone almost immediatley. He has always been my role model and makes me laugh so much. I'm still in high school and I'm the youngest of 3. It feels weird and i really dont like it. Im not used to this.

How can i cope with my brother being in college? I know I'll see him again but i am just really upset that he's gone, since he has always been and always will be my hero.




  1. I feel like i asked this question!! my brother just left for college. i miss him sooo much and its not the same without him here. what i do is i email and text him and let him know that he is missed. i hang out with my friends and parents more to take my mind off of it. It really sux, but theres nothing we can do. its just a part of life, but hopefully we both can adjust soon. :)

  2. Give yourself some time to feel bad for his moving out.  Cry a little.  Mope a little.  Then give him a call or write him a letter to see how he's doing and start concentrating on your life again.  He's not going to forget you but right now you two need to concentrate on living your own lives.

    Hey, and who knows?  You might end up going to the same college and end up roommates again.  It happened to me when my baby brother got a scholarship to my college.  When he moved off campus it was into a 4 bedroom house and I moved in, too.  It was pretty fun.

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