I'm wanting to create a ration pack, similar to the British GP 24 hour pack. However, I'm a vegetarian, and allergic to peanuts and coconuts, therefore I can't add them in. I've got this so far (The left hand column is the original pack, the right is what I am adding for that item):
Main Meal:
Soup: Cup-A-Soup
Meat Pate:
Oatmeal Block: Homemade Oatmeal block/biscuit.
Brown Biscuits: Chocolate Bourbons
Fruit Biscuits: Fruit shortbread biscuits
Chocolate Bar: Yorkie
Fruit Chocolate Bar: Dairy milk, fruit and nut
Boiled Sweets:
Chewing Gum: Chewing gum
Hot Chocolate Mix:
Orange / Lemon Drink:
Vegetable Stock Drink:
Most of it will be wrapped up in tin foil for freshness.