So its summer time, and I'm looking to buy a Jet Ski. I'm just planning on finding an older used one for about $1-$2K.
But I'm having a tough time deciding between getting a stand up type jetski, or one of the sit down type seadoos. I've only ridden the sit down type before and never tried the stand up ones.
I've just heard alot of average, not too athletic people, say they prefer the sit down ones because the stand up ones are difficult. I'm not worried about difficulty, I want lasting appeal. I want one that will let me learn a variety of maneuvers and stunts to keep my interest
I could be wrong, but as far as I know, the sit down ones can't do much except cruise around, do donuts, and jump over some wake. However I've seen videos of people on the stand up ones getting massive air, doing barrel rolls, back flips, diving underwater, etc. I'd like that
So can someone tell me the advantages of each type, and what are the most important things to look for when buying a used one?