
Need help decorating my house where can i find inexpensive accessories?

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for my 6 year old bathroom, my living room, (still haven't gotten furniture)




  1. My friend Kate has struggled to make ends meet most of her adult life, but her apartment is charming. How did she do it?

    She's a regular at GoodWill, hits VOA often, goes to garage sales (especially when a whole neighborhood has one), and recently has discovered CraigsList for our city, where sometimes stuff is really cheap or even free.

    She's got a color theme that runs through the house--hunter green and deep red--and variable themes for the accessories, which she changes with the seasons. (I've still got pine cones out, from Christmas!) Right now she's got several dragonfly-themed items on walls and tables. Over the winter, she had pinecones and pine boughs.

    I swear, her place is small but as nice if not nicer than most.

  2. maybe you should try target walmart best buy kmart and ikea. or you could go to garage/yard sales too. good luck and i hope i helped!

    XOX Roxy

  3. It absolutely pays to shop around girl!! Go garage sale-ing!!! Pick a color you want for the bathroom and watch for sales for towels, etc. Have fun!

  4. I recently came across this website; they have THE cutest stuff and their prices are really reasonable.  They're great especially if you're into shabby chic.

  5. Check out inexpensive places first, like Target, Wal-Mart, BigLots, Ikea etc. Also, a good idea is to try small, obscure furniture stores located in most big cities. Also, places that sell office supplies can have good deals on shelves, desks and file cabinets. Lastly, try thrift stores, flea markets or yard sales. The most important thing is to have something in mind before you start decorating. I like to make a poster board with cut out pictures taped on for inspiration. Once you decide a basic direction for the room, it becomes a lot easier to select things.

    Something as simple as painting a wall and hanging an inexpensive picture can make a room look a lot different. Consider too, what do you already own and what do you like? Online too, you can find great deals but personally, I like to look at things in a store because I had a few times where the thing I ordered did NOT look like the picture! Seeing it in person really helps you decide. Something can look elegant or eye catching in a photo but gaudy once you finally open the package! I hope this helps. Best of luck to you!

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