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I'm 18 and living with 2 old parents. What's worse is I have no job, and am trying to get one right now. But, if I get a job, then I'll have to basically give all my money to my parents because of the medicaid that my mom is on. She's very instable with her health and is on it, and my dad is about to get disability pay.

Well, there's a limit to the household income, and whatever is over the limit, it needs to be paid before medicaid will pay anything. And with my dad's disability, we will already be over the limit. So if I get a job, then it'll be my income added to the amount needed to pay. In other words, I'd have to pay whatever I earn.

I want to get out of here as soon as I can, but I can't if I'm paid minimum wage with my money paying for my mom's medicaid. Please, what can I do?




  1. Waiting tables is a great idea. It can pay well, probably enough to get your own place.  

  2. get a job that pays cash-in-hand, so you don't have to declair it, a lot of bars and stuff do that, you may get paid slightly less, but it's better than nothing.  

  3. Your income should not matter to your mother's medicaid, only her husband's.and their assets. You are over 18 and are no longer a dependent.  Your income and assets are irrelevant to your mother's case.  You'd better check again with your mother's casework at the medicaid office.  They have made mistakes.  Ask your mother's doctor to refer you to a social worker who deals with medicaid assistance to help get this matter straightened out.  There are social workers at hospitals that know the ends and outs of medicaid and of course there are lawyers.

  4. Ignore Paulred2's advice.  It is both illegal and unethical.

    Is there a good friend or relative you can live with?  Another option is to join the military and learn a trade, plus you will end up with the resources for a good college or trade-school education.

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