
Need help!!! easy 10 ponts!!!?

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its my dogs birthday and I want to take him for the longest walk he has ever taken but I also have to watch kids 11:45 am - 6:00 pm. I would do it after they leave but there mom is always late and I thought it would do it in the morning but, I don't want to take a walk in the morning. what should I do? and also, there only 4.




  1. well i live in so cal and right now it dosent get dark untill like 8 or so if thats what your worried about...otherwise I would suggest having a small little celebration on the BDAY...maybe a new toy and treats and then do the walk tomorrow..the dog wont know which day is his birthday could bring the kids along but i dont think thats very safe to bring someone elses youngens on a long walk.

  2. Deanna,have me over,I'll watch the kids and you can walk Leo.Plus, if we take the kids they WILL get tired and even if we bring a sroller we would need a threesome(one for each of the following:Lindsey,Luke,and adorable little Leo.) So call me on wednasday and ask me to come and help,hopfully my parents will understand.

                     LOL(LOTS OF LOVE)

                         Ashleigh B


  3. Oh, that's sweet to celebrate your dog's b-day.  I would talk to the parents and see if they would let the kids go on the walk with you and the lunch idea is perfect - they will have a blast along with fido.

  4. okay problem should be easy just go outside and have a little summer fun play catch with the dog and let them play with the dog too i mean it's as simple as that, and if not talk to the mother and ask her if she doesn't mind you taking her kids to the park or somewhere the kids, and your dog could both have fun.......... gud luckkk.

  5. i would do it before you abysit the kids.

    also, i would go shopping and buy him/her a lovely big bone!

    maybe you could buy some stuff for him, and have the kids make a doggie birthday cake!?

  6. Watching kids and taking a long walk don't go together. Do it before the kids come, after the kids leave, or don't watch the kids. End of story. You aren't going to take kids on a long walk like that. The logistics are way to complicated and as a parent I wouldn't allow it. If you really want to take a walk at lunch and take a picnic then you need to tell mom that you can't watch the kids or do it on a different day.

  7. Ask the mom if you can take them.. if not ask the mom if it's okay if a good friend of yours babysits for just an hour or so.  Or maybe just ask the mom if you can cancel for the day but make it up another day

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