
Need help eating eggs...?

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well a lot of ppl told me eggs are good if u work out how should i eat them only the white part or the yellow inside too? i heard the yellow part inside its bad cuz its coleterol so then idk? help =d




  1. eat all the egg if you're working out then you need fat. you can eat them scrambeled, fried, any way just make sure you eat all of it.

  2. Depends on if you are working out to gain weight or lose it.  The yellow part has fat and cholesterol (although its not horrible for you, good to avoid if you are losing weight or have high cholesterol already).  The yellow also has a lot of the nutrients and gives it more flavor.  Also, please don't eat them raw (don't know if you were planning to, but its bad).

    Good luck with your eggs!

  3. Eating eggs is great if you're trying to GAIN weight. My favorite little recipe for eggs is definitely the Fried Egg Sandwich. Remember, if you're gaining weight, load it up with mayonnaise and cheese. I'll include a little video showing you how to make them.

  4. all the egg is good for you its just what you put on it has calories.

    if your afriad of over eating work out first then eat it works for me =)

  5. just eat the white part of the egg, and if your going to work out, you cant just eat eggs. but it is a good source of protein without much fat

  6. Eggs are very good for you!

    The best part, yes, is the white part

    I would hard-boil them or scramble them,

    don't just "Drink" it

    yuk that doesn't sound good =S

  7. Are eggs good or bad ... is milk good or bad ???? The opinions change all of the time.

    Even showers have been linked to cancer.

    Anyway ... eggs are an excellent source of protein, and protein is important for long term energy, and muscle building, when working out. If you are generally in good health (I would assume that since you work out and monitor what foods that you eat, that you are), then eating the whole egg is fine. If heart disease runs in your family and you are over 35, you need to have your cholesterol monitored regardless of your egg yolk intake.

  8. Eating dietary cholesterol has no effect on your blood levels of LDL or HDL. They are not the same thing. If you were to eat only one part of the egg, it should be the yolk. That is where all the vitamins and nutrients are. Actually eating high grade cholesterol (not oxidized like powdered eggs or cheese) is good for you blood cholesterol. When your body senses a lack of dietary cholesterol, it makes a less desirable form of LDL. Do look for a local farm to buy your eggs from. The ones in the store are produced with the cheapest methods possible. The hens need to be in the sun and eating a variety of food. Just like people. Oh, you can eat them raw. I just read that you have a better chance of winning the lottery than to get salmonella from fresh raw eggs.

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