
Need help editing operating systems in the master boot record?

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I have 3 different items in the MBR (master boot record) that are all pointing to the same partition/ operating system. I would just like to know how to edit/ remove 2 of them so that I don't have to see the list of os's when I first start the computer. Thanks




  1. If windows go to > Conrtol panel > system > advance setting > Startup and recovery > uncheck time to display list of operating system

    If you arr using Llilo or grub as bootloader you need to edit /boot/grub.conf set the time it shows the list to a shorter time or just remove /comment out the other entry, on Lilo edit /etc/lilo.conf same with gurb then issue /usr/bin/lilo to have lilo rereda the config file.

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  2. What OS(s) are you trying to boot?

    Could it be that you just have three OS boot entries in your boot.ini file, and all you need to do is remove two of them?

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