
Need help find a tour in Victoria for my aunt at Christmas?

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My aunt from the UK is coming down under at Christmas time and is staying with us for over 2 weeks. I'd like to find some trips for her to do, preferably for a few days at a stretch as without being mean, I'm not sure how to occupy her for that length of time. She's in her 50's. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.




  1. Take her shopping, go to Brighton beach, Go into da city maybe even up EUREKA TOWER.

  2. Your aunt will LOVE the experiences offered on this site!

    I use it all the time whenever i want something special for friends and family.

    I really hope this helps. :o)

  3. There are so many things to see and do in Victoria, surely you and other family members could take turns in driving you aunt somewhere exciting.  Two weeks is not such a long time, and it will take her a couple of days to get over the jetlag, a day or so preparing to go back and then you've got Xmas ...

    Maybe not!  So, the following link is to the Victorian State tourist website and lists three companies who do coach tours.  Prices vary, as do the tour lengths, but all seem quite interesting.

  4. Take her to Dalyesford , Take her to winerys , Go down to the Mornington Pensinula , there is heaps to do in Victoria , get on the tourist info website for Victoria.

  5. Take her on a shopping spree in the city or go to the Great Ocean Road or even go looking at display houses. :) Hope she has fun!

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