
Need help finding Birth Mom?

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Looking for any help. I just received my non-id info. I was born 6/15/1971 at Booth Memorial Hospital in Chicago. I was born at 4:41 weighed 7lbs 12 oz name given to me at birth was Sherry Lynn, and mothers name was Cheryl. Dont know where to go from here and any help would be appreciated




  1. First of all good luck with finding her.  Second with only this information to go on this may be difficult to do without professional help (ie: private eye).  So if you are going to do it yourself here are some suggestions:  put an ad in the major paper in Chigago stating that you are looking to make contact with your birth mother and give the information you have (maybe hold back the weight and time so that you know something that anyone who is mean and wants to mess with you  - you will be able to know), go on the internet and find any type of message board for the Chicago area especially ones that deal with adoption and add a message that you are looking for your birth mom and the info again.  I found my bio dad a few years ago (not adopted - he just took off when I was 3).  Be prepared to meet siblings and have your family expand.  No matter how much you want to find your mom, things will be wierd and you will be emotional both ways.  At times over the last 3 years I have cried that I regretted finding him and his family and cried that I have been glad.  Ultimately I am happy to know him now, but be prepared for an emotional roller coaster.  Good Luck!

  2. Hospital records......but it also depends if SHE wants to be found. Try talking to your foster parents or whoever raised you. They might have an inkling to where she might be.

  3. If the hospital is still there, hospital records, maybe?

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