
Need help finding the best stroller.?

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Ok well I am set on having a stroller that looks like an old fashioned carraige. Something like the Bugaboo Frog and the Rock Star Baby with the pram. My boyfriend wants a one with two back wheels and one front wheel. Please help!




  1. The Graco Quatro or whatever it's called is my favorite.  It's not like you're asking for but it's practical and works well.  I love it

  2. did strollers recently become fashion accessories?

  3. just put 4 wheels on a cardboard box or trashcan.

  4. we went through this with the 1st kid....we had 9 strollers with the 1st one!!!  now that our 4th is 2 years old, we are just happy to have a stroller that isnt full of goldfish and juice boxes!  

    anyways, the stroller is going to depend on what you do.  a 3 wheeler with bike tires is good if you do alot of over the grass, rocks, old fashioned one, well, theres a reason we dont really have those any more, they are not feasible for bringing anywhere...We use Graco strollers, if this is your first , you should get a graco stroller that fits a baby seat, youll be good to go.  get an extra baby seat base if you have 2 cars, thats as much stroller wisdom as a father of 4 can bestow upon you:))  good luck

  5. Either style is good.  If you walk a lot, and are going to push the baby, the jogger style is great, and the baby has more visibility, however, they make one that looks a little old fashioned, not quite a carriage, however, it lays down for a bed, and has a hood over it, and there's more storage under it for diaper bag and groceries.  Whatever you get, insist upon pushing it around in the store, to make sure you like it.  Many of the cheaper ones are hard to push.  Try a thrift store/used baby store.  I bought a jogger stroller for $5.00 at a yard sale, and washed it, and it is perfectly great!  I love it.  Bigger wheels are easier to push!

  6. "Best" is always a matter of opinion. In a strolle, you could get best looking, best quality, best value, best selling, best riding, best handling, etc. Any stroller will do the same thing: transportation for your baby/ allowing them to get outside and be around outside smells, noises, temperatures, etc. They're not in a stroller for more than a year  and a half - they can walk sometime between 1 and 2 yrs. So don't spend a ton of money on the stroller. Save that extra for college tuition, diapers, day wear, bibs, booties, books to read, etc.

    You guys have to compromise and choose one that meets both your needs. Get one that has ample storage for snacks, juice, toys, blankets, diapers/wipes/lotion, a change of clothes and toys that are comforting for your child. Make sure the carriage has a cover that will keep the sun out of the child's eyes. Alays use  a baby sunscreen (one mild enough for sensitve skin) on their face/hands and anything else that will be exposed to the sun. Get a hat with a brim in case your baby needs it to keep sun out of eyes. Make a list of the features you want in a stroller. Have your boyfriend do the same. More important than having a stroller that you both like, is the child having a father and you having support to raise this child w/ all that they need. Congrats and good luck.

  7. I can't help you on exactly what you want, but I can recommend one.  I recommend a Maclaren.  I have a double and a single, and LOVE them.  It can be used from birth and up. It is light weight, and pretty small.  It is easy to maneuver, comfortable for baby, and very easy to clean!!

  8. Whatever you get just make sure it is light enough so that you can carry it with one hand and the baby with the other, why? Because let's say you have to run up some stairs with a heavy carriage AND a baby that you of course will not leave inside teh carriage in case he or she falls out, God forbid!

    The ones I loved where the little thin umbrella strollers, nothing was easier, lighter and of course cheaper!

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