
Need help fixing my 12 year old bike.?

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I have a 1996 haro fusion racing bike (KZI5G0402) And I tried replacing the brake cables on it today. The cable is in right but it isn't working and the pads aren't closing on the wheel. Is there a guide for my specific bike or should I take it to a bike shop?




  1. Hold both brake pads together with one hand or device. Adjust cable by releasing the cable holding nut.  Tighten nut.  Make a fine adjustment with the brake adjusting nut on top.

    The pads should maintain about a pencil lead distance from the pad to the rim (two millimeters)

  2. There isn't much that can go wrong with caliper brakes. You loosen the nut that holds the cable on the brake and using a pair of pliers pull the cable to the correct tension. It's a comparatively simple job and rather than go to a bike shop and pay for it you should first go to your local library and find a book on bicycle maintenence.

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