
Need help for my son! please

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He is my first son of 9yrs.He is not interested in anything except playing and only that all the time? He is very over-active? asks too many ques? jealous of his brother of 2 1/2 yr old. always complaining about something,lazy,he is also a slow learner, rude,

What should i do actually? I am really upset and worried for him?

should i take him to aDr. or this will solve by the time grows?





  1. Before deciding on taking him to a doctor, why don't you get him involved in an activity like soccer, football, painting, etc. Maybe he just doesn't get to express himself, so he asks questions and complains. I wouldn't take the situation too serious for now. However, if he continues this behavior after taking up a favorite activity (more than 6 weeks or so) I would consult a docter. Who knows, he may just need something to do!

  2. take him to a doctor

  3. Don't take serious,just a kid of 9years,he is not matured yet.Some child are naughty and don't mind,only they need love of their parents .And the child love can change every thing.

        If you will stress him,he will be depressive,take him on holiday's for tour and try to speech slowly with him.No child is jealous,commonly a child think that the parents are sharing love to other.

    You need only love,don't worry.Best Luck

  4. He sounds like a typical kid to me.  It's common for older children to be jealous of their younger siblings.  Over-active?  Normally a sign of intelligence! Playing is very rewarding and develops skills.  Slow learner? Maybe he just needs a different learning environment.  Rude?  Alot of kids are.

    I recommend picking up some books on children's behaviour, maybe they'll make you feel more comfortable with the way your kid is acting.

  5. Take him to a doctor.

    He may have add or adhd.

    Or he may be like me and be very intelligent with a high IQ but need constant stimulation.

    Everyone one thinks I have add but my mom refuses to think I do.

    I am a girl and 18 and can't consentrate for anything, unless its very entertaining for me.

    I exhibit all the signs.

    I think it would do me some good if I took ritalin or adderal.

  6. How is he lazy and over-active at the same time? You need to set limits and make him do chores. At this age that should be cleaning his room, helping with any pets, and maybe setting and clearing the table. Don't put up with rude behavior. When he is being rude punish him by taking away privileges. Take away TV, computer time, phone, etc. When there are other siblings you need to make sure you are spending equal time with each child. I am the youngest of 4 and my parents always made time to spend one-on-one time with each of us so we were not jealous of each other.

  7. my brother was like that he probably has adhd

  8. take him to a dr. he could have a behavior problem

  9. You just described what sounds to me like a completely normal 9 year old kid.

  10. Take him to a psychologist for counseling for behavior modulation,this is right approch to behavioral problems in preteens.

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