
Need help from an experienced Rat owner

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I adopted two adult rats from the humane society. One is five months, the other is seven months.

I saw them at the shelter about a month ago and they were pretty friendly. Then I wait a month to think it over then went back to adopt them.

I don't think they got any attention at the shelter in that month because now they aren't very tame at all. One smelled then bite my husband. They hide from me when I come in the room.

QUESTION: How do you socialize a adult rat? What steps should I take?




  1. Hold them 30 minutes to an hour a day.Pet them and buy them some healthy snacks that you think they will eat.I do that to my rat and he loves it!

  2. Slowly.

    If it bites use gloves if you really need to pick them up. but for now leave a shirt you just wore that you might not need anymore(they'll probly rip it up) in their house so they get used to your scent.

    Also let them walk around on a bed or a couch with you near and just let them sniff you. If they bite. Back in the house. that way they'll learn that they cant bite...

    Eventually they should get used to you. Be gentle and try not to make sudden movements or even hold them for too long. If they get fidgety put them down.

    Hope that helps

  3. They're probably still trying to get use to their new environment.  Try hand feeding them and spend time with them.  It might take a while but they'll get use to you and be more friendly.  Good luck.

  4. RATS what were you thinking they are rodents they are not and never will be tame. do yourself and your husband a favor and get rid of them before you get some disease from them.

  5. Put on a tshirt you don't mind getting soiled, then put on a sweatshirt over that. Tuck them both in. Then put the rats in between the shirts and do NOT let them out for at least a half hour, preferably an hour. Go watch tv or something. They will get used to your scent real quick. This ALWAYS works. It may take two times to do it, but this has worked with every rat I've ever had. Check out the website listed here for more details:

    PS, don't listen to the morons who say they're disease ridden, these are clueless people who have nothing better to do than make up stuff because they don't know better and pass it off as fact.

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