
Need help from girls.. do you think she is pregnant?

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Well me and this girl had s*x and it was without a condom.. STUPID I know but I did pull out. I know there is still a chance she may be pregnant with the pre jac and everything so I've still been worried.. she has recently taken 2 pregnancy tests which both came up negative.. but the thing is she is over 2 months late for her period.. what are your thoughts?




  1. most likely she is cz does pregnancy test from the store don't really work the best you guys should go to the clinic in get a pregnancy test they cost like less then $30 will depend where u lived some places could be free. check if she trowing up alot  like wut ever she eat she trow it right back out if she does that a sight that she it pregnant good look and hopefully i help u a little bit

  2. I would have her go to a Dr.  While it doesn't sound like she's pregnant, there has to be something going on to stop her period.

    Anything can affect that though: stress, over-exercising, poor eating, change in s*x life, changes in mood, hormone imbalances.

    I would have her get checked out just to make sure there isn't something hormonally off balances causing her delay in menses.

  3. Either wait another week or go get a blood test.... Sounds very very very promising buddy!

  4. that she needs to get on the pill cuz her periods are irregular...

    its possible tell her to quit freaking out & go get a PAP smear.

  5. go get a blood test done, that's your best bet.. aside from being late is she having any other symptoms? Nausea? Vomiting? Breast tenderness? Dark areolas?

  6. have her take another test. and whatever the results may be, tell her to go to the dr. they can do a blood test to detect a pregnancy and those are more accurate than the pee sticks!

    she could also just have an abnormal period, which is normal.

    if she is stressing out about it, it will cause her period to be postponed.. so tell her to take it easy and not to worry about it.

  7. she needs to go get a blood test done and see an OB its not normal for her not to have a period for 2 months. Either she's preggo or something could be wrong.

  8. if shes over two months Late for her period and took an Hpt and it was negative then shes probably not maybe the medications are giving her weird symptoms and causing AF to be late  

  9. Since she is already more than a month late,why wait to take another test?? Just go to a doc since she needs one either ways.I mean its not normal for someone to not have thier periods for 2 months unless they r pregnant.

    It mite be a cycle...she's stressing too much abt not having her periods and so due to the stress she is not having them.

  10. If you both are that concearned, go to a doctor.  Or try taking different brand tests.  Also, she should be having some syptoms by now but you all need to find out one way or another for sure because you are putting her health at risk and the babies if there is one and you just dont know.

  11. test says no more than likely stress sounds like you are young and irregular periods are norm.  Have her see her Dr. get tested for prego and std's and find the right birth control.  

  12. Does she have any symptoms?

    Pregnancy tests are usually pretty accurate. If she has only taken urine tests maybe go to the doc and have a blood test instead. Ive heard of one method working for some women more than others.

  13. I say tell her to make a doctors appointment because you can still be pregnant and get negative pregnancy test believe me i should know XD

    Best Of Luck

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