
Need help from someone who speaks Italian?

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I need the following text translated into Italian. Please only respond if you speak Italian well and are confident that you can translate it without errors. I have severe food allergies and need to make sure that the translation is as accurate as possible. Please do not link me to free online translators or index cards, my diet is very specific and so I need to make my own card. Thank you very much.

Here's the text:

I have an illness called Celiac disease and I have to follow a strict, gluten free diet. I am also allergic to dairy and foods high in fat, including olive oil. I cannot eat any food that contains flour or wheat, barley, and rye, milk, cream, cheese, butter, lard, or oil.

I can eat foods containing meat, fish, eggs, rice, potatoes, quinoa, maize, buckwheat, cooked vegetables, and fruit - as long as they are not cooked with flour, breadcrumbs, cream, butter, and are not fried.

Thank you for your help.




  1. I do not speak Italian but hope I can help

    For the gluten free part, I highly suggest you go to and get their dining cards that translate basically what you said into various languages. The part about dairy and fat wont be in there, but the gluten free will be. (Italy with no olive oil...that's going to VERY hard. I suggest u prepack as much food as u can.)

    Hope that helps some!

  2. Hi,

    I am italian and know how allergies can be risky.

    Now the translation:

    Sono celiaca e devo assolutamente evitare il glutine. Sono anche allergica ai latticini e ai prodotti con alta percentuale di grasso, incluso l'olio d' oliva. Non posso mangiare prodotti che contengono farina o frumento, orzo e segala, latte, panna, formaggi, burro, lardo o olio.

    Posso mangiare piatti con carne, pesce, uova, riso, patate,

    Quinoa (I do not know it), mais, grano saraceno, verdura cotta, frutta, purchè nella cottura non venga utilizzata farina, pangrattato, panna, burro e non sia fritto.

    Hope have helped

  3. hi i'm italian. i'll translate it for u

    Ho una malattia che si chiama celiachia e devo seguire una stretta dieta senza glutine. sono anche allergica al latte e ai cibi che contengono un alto tasso di grassi, incluso l'olio di oliva. non posso mangiare cibi che contengono farina o grano, farina d'orzo e segale( u can translate also whiskey but i think u mean the food with rye), latte, formaggio burro, lardo o olio.

    io posso mangiare cibi che contengono carne, pesce, uova riso patate (i don't know what's quinoa) mais, farina di grano saraceno, verdure cotte e frutta- se non sono cotti con farina, pangrattato,panna burro e non sono fritte

    i don't know if i have to translate but thank u for ur help is grazie per il vostro aiuto...

    hope i've helped u....sorry for the quinoa meaning....

  4. "Sono affetta da malattia celiaca e devo seguire una dieta stretta senza glutine. Sono inoltre allergica a cibi aventi un alto contenuto in grassi, incluso l'olio di oliva, e ai latticini. Non posso mangiare alimenti contenenti farina, grano, orzo e segale, latte, panna, formaggi, burro, lardo, olio. Posso mangiare cibi contenenti carne, pesce, uova, riso, patate, ( I also could not find quinoa on the dictionary ), mais, farina di grano saraceno, frutta e verdure cotte purchè non con farina, pangrattato, panna, burro e non fritte.

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