
Need help getting a 12week old into a routine?

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my daughter is fine at night but at day time Im having a really hard time getting her into a routine. I feed her when she wakes and then change her and then we play until she is starting to yawn and rub her eyes. Then I swaddle her and try and get her to sleep. But she dosnt sleep! I have tried everything: rocking, music, white noise , a mobile, a rocking chair, slings, front packs etc etc. Putting her down only makes her start crying and she is capable of crying for hours! Im not into the crying it out method so that is not an option. The only thing I can do to get her to sleep is to feed her to sleep. But as soon as I take her of the breast and try and lay her down she wakes up. Even if she does go to sleep it usually lasts 10-30 minutes and i know she should be sleeping more then that. So I pretty much spend all day trying to get her to sleep from the first cycle of her routine and so the rest of the day is just a mess. Help! I dont know what I am doing wrong.




  1. try putting a nuk in her mouth right as you take her off her breast. if you put a heating pad on her mattress and take it off right before you put her down her bed will be as warm as you are. you can also try a heart beat bear. they work great.

    my daughter didnt have a schedule till about 5 months. i fed her on demand until that point. and it is harder when you are breast feeding.

  2. i had this SAME problem--- the good news? it can be fixed within 2 days max! you are over stimulating her during play time...she should only be up for max 45 minutes at a time including feeding time---so only play with her for 5-10 minutes...than you can nurse until shes sleepy- dont nurse her to sleep--- before she falls asleep, pick her up and walk her around she may be fussy but only because she's tired! once she falls asleep put her in a good swing (the rainforest swing works for my super fussy daughter) first she wont sleep for too long but you will see a gradual change and she will actually sleep BETTER at night!!!

  3. my son is the same way, do you have a swing, they like the vibration and motion. that is the only place my son will nap...whice is odd because he is fine in his crib at night.

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