
Need help getting ink out of a shirt?

by  |  earlier

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I took my sisters DC shirt (with her permission =]) to camp, and it got a little spot of ink on it from one of my purple pens that leaked.... That was about a week ago... Now my mom is trying to wash it, and it's like, spreading everywhere! the shirt was a white shirt with zebra DC logo on it and blue outline on the logo. The ink was on the bottom corner. My mom tried bleach and hairspray.

Soo do you know anything else that works really good at getting ink out of white shirts? Pleaseeee help.

Thanks in advance.




  1. Hi, I do like this: I put a white piece of cotton under the ink, and, just over the ink, I gently pour 1 teaspoon of pure alcohol (I think you can find it in drugstores). Alcohol dissolves easily the ink and it simply goes away with the alcohol to the cotton you put under.

    good luck!

  2. Wet the area and put some dry detergent on the wet spot and let it sit for an hour.Rinse it off then get one of those abrasive cleaners with bleach in it like Comet or Vim ( depends where you live) and gently scrub it with an old toothbrush.

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