
Need help getting out of a weight loss plateau?

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I've been on a diet and excersise plan since the end of June, and i've lost 40 pounds steadily (From 200 - 160 pounds). I haven't been eating carbohydrates, I'm eating low fat and relatively low calorie meals. For the past 2 weeks my weight loss has been minimal. I burn 850 calories per day with excersise, and I also lift weights. My daily calorie intake is probably low as I am very strict (to an obsessive point) with what food goes into my body. I'm trying to boost my metabolism by eating smaller meals every 2-3 hours, and drinking green tea 4-5 times per day. Should i continue my diet, but burn 500 calories per day on the cross trainer instead of 850 and increase my weight lifting routine?

Also, i am going to go on vacation for a week, where I would not have any access to gym equipment. I still plan to diet while on vacation. Do you think that giving my body a one week break (excersise wise) will help me break through my plateau or would it make me gain back weight?




  1. I would suggest a cleansing diet. I lost 12 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. I also lost a lot of inches too! I learned that cleansing will help the body get rid of toxins. Toxins come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives and lots of other things. The toxins get stored in the fat in our body. To get rid of the fat, we have to get rid of the toxins by cleansing the body. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. I did Jenny Craig, Weight Watcher and Medifast. If you want to learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. This was the first time I ever did a cleanse, it was easy and I feel better. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

  2. if you're trying to lose weight you should really give Acai Berry a shot! i saw it on oprah and i'm trying it myself right now.. got a 14-day FREE trial from this site!

  3. sounds like your body has gone into starvation mode. This happens when your body isn't getting enough nutrients and calories. You should be intaking 10x your body weight in calories. So you weigh 160 pounds, you should be intaking AT LEAST 1600 calories a day. If you are intaking less, then you are starving your body and it will go into starvation mode and store everything it eats.

  4. First off, you absolutely have to eat carbohydrates. Do you mean to tell us that you do not eat any fruits or vegetables? Because those are carbs.

    I don't eat any grains, breads, pasta, etc...but I do eat a whole lot of veggies, one fruit a day, one dairy a day (no cheese) and lots of lean protein.

    Anyway-my suggestion to get out of a plateau (I have dealt with them too! So annoying!) is to switch up your diet a little and give your system a "shock". This really really helps. So, spend a day eating nothing but fresh veggies or switch the type of protein you're eating and veggies you're eating, even switch the times of day you're eating. Or eat fewer larger meals, or even more frequent smaller meals. Anyway, it helps me a bunch when I do that.

    I went on vacation for two weeks, and I tried to get cardio in 3 times a week, I didn't lift any weights, and I even cheated on my diet a few times. I was dreading going home and weighing myself (and, like you, I eat a low low calorie diet and I'm obsessive and I weigh and measure everything and write it all down) anyway, I didn't lose or gain any weight! I maintained, which is better than gaining! And I enjoyed myself. And when I went back to the gym I found my running had improved and my weight training had improved.

    Hope that helps you

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