
Need help getting up on a wake-skate...any pointers???

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Hey all, thanks in advance for your help. I want to know if there are any tips to getting up on a wake-skate. I'm a tall guy and can't seem to get up on either a wake board or skate. I spent the better part of last weekend getting worked (skate has grip tape, grip tape over knuckels is no bueno) so any tips are appreciated (only gettin up by shore start rite now)

Take Care!




  1. You''ll have better luck on a wakeboard before a sk8 but that's up to you. I find the sk8 a lot more loose but also ride finnless. Getting up is about the same on both w/ the exception of bindings and a smaller deck. I also use shoes which seem to help. Like sixfingers said keep in a crouched position and when the boat takes off use your arms and legs at the same time to stand up. Don't lean forward or youll go over the falls. I use the rope handle to pull myself up and my legs to stand up keeping my arms in and the handle pulled in towards my chest. There's a good video called The Book and has great tips on both wakeboarding and sk8ing. Practice, practice, practice is right. Sk8boarding helps too when you cant be on the water. Good luck and Wake or Die.

  2. My advice would be to try using a boom that extends off the side of the boat to help you learn the dynamics of getting up out of the water. The boom will help because there is no play and you can feel how the wake board will react during acceleration. If that is not available, I would suggest, just stay in a tucked position (knees to chest) with the front of the wake board sticking out of the water until you feel  the acceleration lifting you out of the water. Once you feel it, it has to be one quick motion to the standing position, kind of like surfing. Also, practice, practice, practice. Hope this helps.  And remember to keep your arms as straight as possible. The less play in the line, the less chance of you getting squirrelly during take-off. :)

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