
Need help gurus or good analyzers. ?

by Guest65944  |  earlier

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Need help bad gurus or good analyzers. This guy will cancel this and I am making sure I dont miss out. I am in a basic scoring league.

1 point for 15 yards rushing

1 point for 15 yards receiving

TRADE IS Plaxico and Ricky Williams from my team and he is going to give me Larry Johnson.


Derek Anderson

Brett Favre

Adrian Peterson

Ernest Graham

DeAngelo Williams

Chris Johnson

Braylon Edwards

Plaxico Burress

Javon Walker

Chris Henry(Cin)

Jason Witten

Tony Scheffler

Robbie Gould

Tampa Bay

Good WR picks on waivers like Eddie Royal, Josh Morgan. I might can trade away Ernest Graham and get a WR for him.

Let me know is this a wise trade?




  1. your wrs will be a joke and larry johnson isnt a top 5 rb i would only do it if i was going to get:





    or gore  

  2. i would keep plaxico. you already have a lot of rb's but your only other solid receiver is braylon edwards. chris henry is a 3rd receiver and you never know what javon walker might do but it probably won't be much. if you are gonna trade a receiver trad walker or henry but make sure you get something back.

  3. I decline.  You cannot count on walker to be a good start.  I feel the trade leaves you short a wr.  

    I think plaxico will out score LJ.  I also think that ricky or e graham could possible out sore lj.

    I would counter with plaxico, ricky, walker for lj and a solid wr. and see what happens.

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