
Need help here. Landlord puts sign in our yard saying the duplex we rent is for sale without notice legal??

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We moved in to the duplex in May and have a year lease and the landlord said that they would honor the lease and that she "forgot" to tell us. Neighbors were notified but we however were not. If you have any advice, any answers please post I feel almost taken advantage of. It is in De Pere,WI if that can help at all. Searched and searched but all i can find is lame pages that have links to go to another page with links just very misleading please help.




  1. Your landlord can put his property up for sale any time he chooses without notice to you.

  2. .  Completely legal.  But it reminds me of when i came home to a house i was renting and there was a For Rent sign in the front yard.  The owner said, "I guess i forgot to tell you".   Realtors wanted to troop thru and then they made snide comments about my poor housekeeping.  I was mad.

    The buyer must honor your lease.  Many buyers offer to buy you out. Would you accept $5,000 and one month free rent to move out?  If you refuse, you can stay.

    If you want to be difficult, you can demand 48 hour written notice for every "showing".  That will make the landlord mad but it is perfectly correct.

  3. In CA, the landlord can sell the property without notifying anyone.  However the lease is still valid until the end of the lease.  You just make the payment to new owner.  If you think about it, this is the only way it could be. Could you imagine a 200 unit apatment building having to be vacated every time the property changes hands?

  4. The owner is under no legal obligation to notify the tenant.

  5. The landlord has the right to sell the property and there is nothing that you can do about that .

    A landlord is NOT required to give you notice that they are selling the property .....

    IF someone does purchase the property ; they will be required to honor the current lease with all the tenants ...... OR; they can offer to pay you a certain ammount IF you would move ..... However; IF you refused to move, they would still be bound by your origional lease with the former landlord .

  6. Your landlord owns the property and although you rent the premises, she is within her rights to offer the property for sale.  

  7. Well, basically the owner can sell the unit at any time, even without notice to you.  BUT...she should have told you as a courtesy, without you looking outside and suddenly seeing a sign outside on your lawn...VERY TACKY!  If someone purchases the unit, the lease you have with the current owner will get signed over to the new owner.  The new owner has to honor it.  The only problem is, if their is a clause in your lease that states that landlord can break your lease at any time with notice, then you are out.  For instance, in Pennsylvania, we sold one of our 3 units.  We had a tenant in the first floor that was with us for over 5 years...LOVED HER!!!  But the new owner gave her a 30 day notice to vacate, because he wanted to move in to her unit.  Unfortunately, it was all legal in PA, she had to move.  Check your lease for such a clause.

  8. It's her property.  She doesn't need your permission to put it up for sale nor does she have to notify you that she's done so.

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