
Need help hooking up Insignia Home Theater to my Westinghouse LCD.?

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I have a 47" Westinghouse LCD flat screen and want to hook up my INSIGNIA brand home theater system. I am not sure which hookups to use for the speakers to the TV. The Insignia's main box also has a DVD player built in. When I hooked the speakers up, I couldn't get sound and then later some sound but no picture. It played the DVD as a CD. I think I have wires in the wrong place. Thanks for help!




  1. There are many way to do this but I'll give you a brief setup that can help. You need to run a set of video cables from your insignia to the back of you TV, via composite, component, s-video or HDMI. Then if you want TV sound going through you Insignia speakers will then need to run RCA audio cables from an audio output on your TV to the  back of your Insignia unit. This would all change if you have a set top cable or satellite box. Now there should be a hook up guide that comes with your Insignia Unit. otherwise for complete hook up guides. Go to:


    They are pretty much the authority

    More questions? I've owned a home theater business. Just e-mail me

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