
Need help identifying this berry?

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I found a berry tree outside my house with thousands of translucent orange berries growing in clumps all over it. Within these clumps, the berries appear to be grouped in pairs, and they are all slightly squishy. I'm pretty sure they're poisonous, and certainly won't be even touching them until I know what they are. I've looked through several field guides and can't find any information. I live in upstate New York if that's any help. I wish I could post photos, but I can't get a clear shot of these things.




  1. If there is a tree nursery nearby put a cluster of the berries in a plastic bag and take it to them.

    It may be a "Mountain Ash".

  2. sounds like bittersweet to me. its an ornamental. Do not eat it.

  3. Sounds like it may be a currant bush they are not poison. Ask your county agriculture agent he will be able to identify it. Take him a picture or a leaf and berries.

  4. it would help if you could describe the tree a bit too, but it does sorta sound like an Ash.

    The arbor day website has a tree identifier that would help. its easier to find out what the tree is than it is to find the berries, since alot of berries can look simalar.

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