
Need help identifying this bug...?

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Ewww!! My mom always tells me to clean my room clean... well, lesson learned. I've now launched into a full scrubdown of my room.

Occasionally I might lift something up off the floor and one of these little critters scurries out. They're DEFINITELY not as big as they look on the pictures, I had to put the camera in close or the pictures would be extra fuzzy. They're roughly one centimeter long and are mostly black but have a brown ring around them in the center...


In the sink

On the floor

Please help me, they're grossing me out!!




  1. They maybe roaches cuz one time me and my sis were cleaning and we found a bug that look the ones in the pics. we put it in a jar and showed it to our mom. She said it look like a coach roach.

  2. Yeah, you are grossing me out as well! I am not entirely sure, but they could be roaches!

  3. well there not Roche's i have to say some kind of hard shell beetle harmless so if your room is damp try using a dehumidifier to dry it up a little and don't pile cloths in the corner probably make a nice little nest for them , just keep you room dry and clean they well move on   or you would hope :)

  4. I brightened up the picture for a better look, they are not roaches.  Sorry I can't remember what their name (their cousins name are),...I'm about to head out of town so unable to hunt the name down now,  but they are not roaches.  Had a customer that had something close to your that was feeding off of old acorns that squirrels had stored in the attic

  5. Looks like roaches to me.  They are almost impossible to get rid of.  Get some of those roach motel things like Combats and put around. That will help a lot. Also if you put borax around the baseboard of your room it will help.  You find borax in the cleaning isle in the grocery store.  Its with the laundry soap.

  6. It is a Ground Beetle.  We used to get them in our pool all the time as kids!  They're pretty harmless, just kinda icky!  If you want to know more about them I would recommend googling it! :)

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