
Need help in designing a lesson plan for preschoolers?

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Hello. I am desperate in need of help. I'm doing a project for early childhood education. I have to create a lesson plan on what makes us grow for about 15 kids. Can anyone give me any ideas on how to do this. I would greatly appreciate it.




  1. I would probably do a unit on Healthy Foods - they could make placemats with a fruit, vegetable, bread, milk and meat picture on it - you could make a healthy fruit salad together.  Have them make a fruit dip to put on top - pudding, milk and cool whip and let them help shake.  Look at the library for "The boy Who Wouldn't Eat  breakfast" and "Gregory the Terrible Eater" - there are worksheets on the internet you can find that they can cut out the healthy foods.  You could have a dentist come in and talk about taking care of your teeth _ there are endless things you can do>  good luck!

  2. I would use the following units:

    ~All About Me (focus on our body parts and do some measuring as in height, foot and hand length, briefly touch on the subject of bones and how they help us)

    ~Being Healthy (focus on eating healthy foods to make you strong, keeping ourselves healthy by washing our hands, brushing teeth, and taking baths.)


    Draw a skeleton and have the children glue on q-tips for bones.

    Practice brushing teeth, talk about your teeth and how its important to eat good foods and keep your teeth healthy.  Discuss the dentist

    Paint a manilla colored tooth white with paint and toothbrushes.

    Talk about healthy and unhealthy foods.  Have children look at grocery ads and cut and sort pictures of food into the correct catagory. (By food groups/healthy and unhealthy)

    Have the children create their own germs with various shapes of colored paper.  Have them name their germ and explain how to keep that germ away. (washing hands, taking baths, brushing teeth etc)

    Just a few ideas...hope they help!  Happy New Year!

  3. my class brought in pictures of when we were babys and we brought a recent photo next. then lastly everyone measured each other with yard sticks

  4. I agree with Ann M.'s answers. In addition you could throw in the word calcium for strong bones and teeth. My children love it when I ask them what does Milk have in it to make strong bones and teeth. They always answer calcium. Then we also talk about juice and fruit and veggies having vitamins. While you are doing activities or at lunch time it is fun to bring up these words. This age loves to be able to tell Mom and Dad about a new word they have learned. Oh and don't forget about water. It cleans us on the inside and out and helps keep our skin soft. Enjoy the projects and keep talking about fun things that help us grow and stay healthy!

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