
Need help keeping my room clean!!?

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ok so i pick up my room then a few days later i notice it's completely trashed!

what are some good habits to get into that will help keeping my room clean and neat?

thanks :D




  1. I agree with the tips of your first responder.  I'll add that it is easy for some people to form habits, not so easy for others.  If you want a free service to send you email reminders to help keep you in the mode of cleaning the easy way (one babystep at a time), and teach you why you procrastinate and how to overcome it, go to and sign up for her emails.  If you just have a single room to take care of, this is a perfect time to start learning these valuable lessons...when you have more rooms and responsabilities, they won't intimidate you as much if you get this valuable help now.  Flylady's good ideas and advice and cheerful, warm presence offer a lot of life wisdom in easy to use-and-delete doses.  Her advice is easy to adapt to virtually any situation you find yourself in, no matter what your age.

  2. Both the flylady and the pick up after yourself are excellent ideas.

    To clean out the closet of clothes you don't wear.  Get 2 boxes.  In one put clothes you don't wear anymore or are too small or too big.  In the second, put in stuff too worn out.  However, I've heard that Goodwill does process rags, too.  Don't keep anything you "might" wear.  If you didn't wear it last season, give it to someone who might use it. Yes, you will regret giving something away but it will now have a good home, so you'll get over it.  Your memory will be rosy, the reality probably not so sunny, which is why you gave away the item in the first place.  If you want to save one unique-for-the-era outfit for when you are older and want to dress up like 2008, fold it away into a drawer.  When you get older, you might buy clothes that are classics and keep them for years.

    Keep a good size wastebasket in the room, one that's big enough on the top that the paper/stuff won't drift aside if you toss or drop something into it.

    Put a hamper or basket in your room.  All dirty clothes goes into that.  Once you get into the habit, you might be able to put it somewhere else, but if it is in the room, you will use it.  If it is dirty, it's dirty.

    Find a place to hang clothes you wore but not long enough to need to be washed or cleaned.  I use one end of my closet.  In the summer, wearing something for only one hour while running errands has to be washed if I want to wear it when going out again.

    Have a clean basket to put your clean clothes in.  Fold them, hang them, always put them away.  If you take something out to see if you want to wear it, put it back.

    If you have an area under the bed, get some of those plastic boxes and put in clothes you can't wear for the current season to give you more closet room.

    Line up your shoes on the closet floor or get a shoe box set or use the area under the bed.

    If it's hard to get started, get a cheap timer (I found one for $1.00 at Dollar General) and set it for 10 minutes.  Pick up for 10 minutes, take a break, pick up for 10 more, etc until you are done.  I'm all grown up and have to do this sometime, too.

    Look at your room.  Is it attractive?  Are there things on the wall that look shabby?  Do whatever you can to make it look attractive.

    I'll leave the cleaning the floor and furniture to the other answerers.  One hint:  if you hate to dust, get some Swiffer pads for the floor and cut them up into smaller sheets or use Endust and a rag.

  3. The "Home organization for busy people" is a nice book to read to manage all homework smoothly. Check review of this book.

  4. First get organized. Clean up your room and get rid of stuff you never use/wear to clear away clutter. Make sure everything has a proper place and always put things back in their proper places when you're done with them instead of just throwing them in random places. Make sure you do this EVERY time you touch anything in order to develop the good habit. Never drop anything on the floor, always fold/hang your clothes neatly (also prevents wrinkling) and make sure dirty clothes always go in the hamper, and make your bed as soon as you get out of it. You should probably also vaccum/dust/sweep whenever you see dirt laying around.

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