
Need help locating my father?

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My parents got divorced when I was 7 and I haven't seen or heard from my father since. I have tried every possible place I can think of such as zabasearch, obits and marriage licenses, public records and all I've come up with is a ruff birth date, former address, former work place and a possible new wife. His number is also unlisted. I would really like to ask my family for help but the divorce ended badly and they forbid me from ever contacting him again. But, I hardly remember him and would like to at least know what he looks like. And short of paying $50 for a complete background search, I don't know what to do. I wouldn't mind paying that amount of money, if I owned it. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!




  1. Of course you want to know more about your father, that's only natural, especially that you haven't seen him since you were 7.  You don't have to pay so much money tho, there is another site where they only charge you less than 20 bucks and you can use it for up to a year:


    I wish you lots of luck in finding your father and hope that you reunite with him soon!

  2. Sweetie, if he never came back to your life since you were's probably a good idea to let him live his life and you live yours.

    Some things in life need to stay as they are.

  3. I went through the same thing. I paid $40 and did a search. But I wanted you to be prepared for disappointment. Maybe you will get in touch with him and everything goes great (which I hope for you) but be prepared in case he is not what you always dreamed or hoped for. Also, why has he not tried contacting you? I was pregnant w/ my 4th and had the sudden urge/need to know my BIOLOGICAL father (I had a daddy who has raised me since I was 9months) I expected him to be thrilled that I called, and he was pretty happy(not thrilled) He cursed like a drunken sailor and when I asked him what he has been doing, he said "drinking." I never called again. I did find out though that I have 5 step brothers which was pretty cool to know. Just don't go into this expecting everything to go perfectly like one of those family reunion talk show. I will be praying for you and I hope everything goes wonderful!!

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