
Need help making a ad for someone to babysit my son.?

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Ok, Ive never had someone watch my son before that I didnt know. Most of the time it was my mother, or a friend that I had known for years. Im pretty worried about it, when I was a kid I had babysitters who didnt change my diaper the whole time I was there and another that would splash my face with water when I did something wrong. And now I hate water getting in my face even if im the one to do it.

Anyways, I want someone who is dependable, has had experience with OTHER peoples children, not just theirs or a family members. Preferably someone they dont know because that always makes them act different. I dont want a young person, they have too much to learn. If my son were a bit older it would be ok but he just turned 9 months this last Thursday. I just want to make sure I get a good person.

I cant afford a whole lot and dont know what babysitting rates are now days. I would just like some help writing the perfect ad for someone to watch him. Also I would like some suggestions




  1. Have you tried wolves?

  2. Ask friends about their daycare providers, some pre-school teachers babysit on the side and do care about children.  They are also bonded and have had background checks.

  3. Whatever you do make sure you put that references are requested so they know you mean business, and check all of them and call anyone they list on emergency contacts. Then once you have narrowed down to a few have them come over one at a time while your making dinner or doing housework and watch how they interact with your son. Then if they are niaeve enough you could say they need to sign a wavier and tell them you have hidden cameras in the house! :)

  4. I might say something along the lines of.

    Hi my name is _____________, I'm looking for someone with expereance with children to babysit my 9 month old son. Please don't contact me if you've never babysat before or are looking to make a liver off of this job. You can email me at ____________! Thanks!

    I really dont know if that helps at all i hope it does good luck!

  5. I would have suggested that young is the way to go. (College STudent) I would contact the local college or community college and ask to speak to the early education department. These are students who love children and want to work with them. I would then tell them that you are looking for a babysitter and college students will alot of times like that. I would interview them and ask for refrences and make sure they can give you some and you call them. Thats what I would do and anyone that I choose I will flat out tell you about Shaken Baby Syndrome and show them videos. So they are farmillar. This is your child and you cannot be to over-protective. Just be upfront. But I would think a College Student in like I said the Early Childhood Development Area would be great! Just contact your local College.

  6. i actually think that younger babysitters are better if they have experience because they have alot more energy, they are dependable (you dont have to worry about them falling asleep or just plain falling) if you are looking for a full time person i would even use the word nanny because nannys do alot more things for you than just watch your children unless that is your main focus

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