
Need help making a stop motion movie?

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Okay so

My camcorder has a button that takes one frame at a time. So if I want a scene where they're all sitting they're all just sitting there do I have to take multiple shots of the same frame?

What software should I use to edit it?

and How many Frames per second should it be? Are there any examples you can show me of the different fps settings?





    As with theatrical release film (typically 24 frames per second - FPS), and typical camcorder videography at 30 fps, you will most likely be in one or the other.

  2. Films have to be projected at 24 fps to prevent flicker. However cartoons are generally double shot or even triple shot, so the actual cells used per second is only 12 or 8. 12 cells per second does a reasonable job of delivering convincing motion. I think some claymation is done at even slower rates, ie changing positions after every 4 or 5 frames. The rate can be higher during periods of intense motion if more realisim is desired. One advantage of computer editing over film, is the computer can do "tweening", that is, it can interpolate one or more frames between actual shots. this feature is also called "morphing" in some programs.

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