
Need help making decision?

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Ok it's not a serious decision. But tomorrow I have this banquet to go to at work. But I don't know which shoes to wear. Mt dress is white and it reaches just below my knees. But which shoes should I wear with it? Her are the shoes in this link. Which do you like better?




  1. ummm yea of course the pumps KEWT!!!

  2. Victoria, if this is really for work, wear the black pumps. They are appropriate for this occasion, while the purple stilts are not. Work functions call for conservative clothing.



  3. Definitely the black, the white trim around the peep toe will tie them in nicely with the white dress, whereas with the purple, it just looks as if you've thrown on a random pair of shoes.

  4. Black one's look better.

  5. The black ones unless you have something lavender to tie the dress to the shoes.  If you had a necklace or a ribbon or even a sash with a lavender hue, it would look soooo adorable.

  6. the black pumps

  7. black pumps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. i think the purple ones are cuter.

    nd if yu have purple accesories too.  

  9. Definitely the black ones. If there's going to be a splash of colour in your outfit, it should be closer to your face where people can see it.

  10. Whata hard decision to make, wear combat boots

  11. I like the lavender but black I can wear almost everyday you choose according to what matches your dress better.


    there you are.

    edit: did anyone click the link? it is referring her to the beauty and style section where this question should have been asked in the first place. why ask it here, everyone says feminists know nothing about style anyway, why seek their opinions, duh

  13. I don't know a darn thing about any of that fashion business but when I see a hot woman, she could be wearing the weirdest looking shoes and I wouldn't even notice because women are so d**n hot.

  14. Purple Mules!!!!

  15. black pumps but if you really wanted to do something fun and cute Aldo sells different color pumps, i have one were its pink and fades into white, try to match your white dress with something that stands out white and black are too classic and plain in my opinion.


  16. My age will show here, but I like the pink.  Even if I was not raised in the "never wear black in summer" era, lol, I like the pink better.

  17. I would go with the black pair. They  match the style of your dress and brings out a kind of retro flair.  The pink will only draw attention to your feet, while the black will encourage a more fluid glance from head to toe.

  18. black pumps

  19. I don't know, I couldn't wear either, I'd never be able to walk in those terrible heels.  Why don't you get something more comfortable?

  20. I like the black ones as well, but I think slides would be more appropriate with a light weight dress like that.

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