
Need help making friends- stay at home mom?

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All of my friends are either in different stages of their lives (i.e. don't have kids, drink and party all the time) or don't share the same kind of family values I do. I'm a stay at home mom of a 2.5 year old and would really like to create a new group of friends. I tried mops, but I live in a small community and most of the women were a lot older than me. Seriously, I would totally feel like a creepy person walking up to a random stranger at the park and asking if they want to have a play date. What other ways are there to make friends?




  1. Book club? Maybe a dance class at your local community center?

  2. I've had lots of strange gals walk up to me at the park and ask for a playdate. It didn't seem creepy at all because i know how isolating it can be. Talk to the moms at the park..the first question I always ask is how old? Who doesn't want to talk about their kid.

  3. do something where your kid would make friends. that way you can make friends with other parents.

  4. get your child involved in something like mommy and me classes or dancing so you can meet other moms also have a neighborhood open house so people can come to your home to meet you.

  5. If you're too shy to do it in person I would print up a little 'flyer' on your computer and post it where people will see it. It could say something like "calling all mommies, younger stay at home mom or a 2.5 year old looking for other moms and familes to share in fun." then maybe list some things that you and your child like to do. Or you could even post it as if your trying to start your own mommies group. Add your phone number or email address (could even cut the paper at the bottom of the page so that moms could tear off your #...just make sure you pull a few off first so it looks like there was a little intrest already).

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