
Need help making my 2 mile run faster.

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I need to work on running and I have to admit I’m not a huge fan. Anyways I need to be able to run 2 miles under 20 minutes and I’m doing it in about 25 and a half minutes and completely drained by the end which I know is lame. My question is to get my time would it be better to train going at my current pace for 3 miles which would build my stamina that way I could start going faster in my two mile because I won’t be as tired or should I just try to knock off time with my 2 mile bits at a time. What would seem like would show results faster?




  1. if your running it at 25 and a half minutes i suggest walking!

    you'll finish faster that way.

    no.. JK

    track and XC is really hard. you just need to know hwo to control your breathing and push for your limit. you might think your already at your limit but just keep pushing on and a few moments later you'll notice you thought you should have stopped but you actually continued. It should be very easy for you to get faster in this event. All you need is endurance. Sprints on the other hand, you have to be born with or require intense weight training. Shoot for a time of 13-15 minutes. it may seem like alot faster but it really isnt. thats what regular girls at my track club get. top times in the nation are 10:07 by jordan hasay

  2. When I was going through Basic Training for the Army I found sprints to be the best method to improve quickly. I went from a 16:35 two mile to a 13:09 in nine weeks. I would suggest 60 sec. of sprint and 120 sec. of slow jogging. I would then repeat this until you hit your desired distance. I usually do 2 - 3 miles.

  3. From my experience as a runner I noticed that if you want to get better at a race, run way longer than the race is. For example, you run a 2 mile race. Next time you practice, run about 3-4 at slow pace. As you run longer distances over time, increase your speed and distance to you new level.

  4. Try running further distances, but slower.  This will get you into shape and  make running 2 miles seem easier.  If you keep running you should get results pretty quickly.  

  5. There is no faster way, you just need to practice.

  6. what helps is to run a little further than what you usually run but work up to it!!! and stay consistent for a few weeks so your body is used to the pressure and can "stand tall"

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