
Need help mother pays child support doesn't get to see children?

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Need help mother pays child support doesn't get to see children?




  1. I do not understand your question.  Are you asking this question for YOURSELF or for someone else?

    First, you give no details.  If a mother pays child support, then perhaps the father is either unemployed or earns substantially less than the ex-wife/mother does?????  That is not uncommon.  It is called gender equality.

    Second, why does the mother not get to see her ("the"??) children????  Has she endangered their safety and well-being, are the children far away in another state?  What are you talking about?

    You need to give us rational and intelligent information if you want a question to be answered, not like "How do I fly a Boeing 747 without going to flight school?"  That is how you made your question!

  2. She made the kiddos. She's responsible to provide for them, even if she doesn't see them.

  3. There is no rule that she gets to see them.

    Especially if it is detrimental to the children.

    But, if she is a loving mother who is sober, has a job and apartment, then I see no reason that she wouldn't get to see them unless the children did not want to.


  4. If the courts say she is able to see the kids and doesn't get to...I think she needs to take this back to court. A child should never be kept from their parents only if they are unfit.

  5. Paying child support has nothing at all to do with visitation rights.

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